My Fantastic Interview With SprayTheSun!

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Hello guys! These past interviews that I have done were so fun to do! For this interview I am not only interviewing a great friend of mine, but one of my inspirations and favorite authors! Her name is SprayTheSun! Her real name is Amber! Lets get on with this interview, shall we?


Me- Alright let's start simple, how did you find the app Wattpad?

Amber- I actually found the app via a different website, years ago haha. I think I was twelve at the time actually. I was on a one direction fan site and someone said about reading her fanfic on wattpad and I just did and then I joined and yeah here we are haha.


Me- Why did you decided to write on wattpad when you could have chosen another App?

Amber- I'm not sure, I think it was because at the time, wattpad was a great place and it was easy to make friends and stuff and it was the only writing app I knew of so yeah. Not that I'm saying that it's not a great place, I mean, it is, it's just changed a lot.


Me- I loved you're two books, " Gotta Be You " and " Has To Be You " What inspired you to write " Gotta be you " then the sequel " Has to be you "?

Amber- This is a good question, since I'm not entirely sure about it myself. I think maybe it was just reading the fanfic I was told of and the song and I just came up with the idea, which kinda changed at the start because the first idea I had (don't hate me) was to have Reece choose between both the new kids, aka Harry and Zayn but then I realised that people had written that before so I just changed it haha. The sequel was easier because as people liked the first book, they wanted a sequel so, even though it's not my best, I gave it to them.


Me- If the president of the wattpad head quarters sent you an email to visit them in Canada what would you say?

Amber- I'd be so stoked tbh haha but I'd be freaking out and wondering whether it's a joke or not haha but ofc I'd say yes!


Me- What would you in your time in Canada other than visit the Wattpad head quarters?

Amber- I would go sightseeing and visiting all the cities I could and just exploring I think haha having fun and seeing new things is what I want to do!


Me- Here's a hard question, If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be and why?

Amber- This is such a hard question like I'd say salad because it's healthy but it doesn't really fill me up so I guess I'd have to say spaghetti bolognese or chilli con carne, because they're my favourite food. Or pizza, oops.


Me- Who is your biggest inspiration as a writer on Wattpad and in real life and why?

Amber- I don't think I have an inspiration on wattpad actually, maybe my friend belwatson because she's such a great writer and she's got a big fanbase and stuff, but like, I'm not easily inspired by other people if you get what I mean? In real life it'd have to be my favourite writers, John Green, Meg Cabot, Cassandra Clare, etc etc because they're awesome and I hope to be like them one day!


Me- What are you majoring in college?

Amber- In college I'll be majoring in either criminology or audiovisual communication, which is basically things to do with film, TV and maybe even writing, since the colleges I know of don't have anything much to do with writing, which sucks.


Me- Where do you see yourself in perhaps 3 three years from now?

Amber- In three years from now I'll hopefully be in college, having fun and still writing! I hope I'll still have the friends I have now, maybe even more because I love them quite a bit and I hope I don't lose them. Those in real life and on here, I mean.


Me- If you had to say one thing to your fans what would you say and why?

Amber- I'd say that I love them so so so much and every fan/follower, every vote, every comment makes me smile and I thank them every time I can because what they do for me, is just incredible and also guys, I don't bite so go ahead and message me haha.


Me- If someone tells you that their thinking about quitting their dream because people don't like their work what would you say and why?

Amber- I'd say not to quit because it's THEIR dream, not anyone else's. If they think they can do it, they can and they should try their hardest and there's always someone that likes someone else's work, so I'd just say to never give up.


Me- When was the first time you were called an inspiration?

Amber- Think that was quite a while ago, maybe two or three years? I think it was because of IGBY and I think I nearly cried lol.


Me- What is your favorite drink?

Amber- Orange juice, water or Dr. Pepper haha. I also like cherry Coke and normal Coke.


Me- How did you find out about One Direction? Who is your favorite member and why?

Amber- I found out through a friend who got jealous with me because I started liking them haha she showed me a song (WMYB) and I fell in love. She didn't like it so she stopped speaking to me lol. We were 12 at the time. Zayn and I can't give a reason because I don't have one, I guess it's just him and yeah, he was instantly my favourite haha but I don't know why!


Me- If one of your fans wanted you to follow them what would they have to do to get you to follow them?

Amber- They'd probably have to become my friend or write something I really (like REALLY) enjoy, but even then I don't follow many because of that. I guess it's just that they have to become my friend but don't ask me for a follow because that really turns me away, no offence haha.


Me- Okay last question... Are there any upcoming writing projects, maybe a new book that you can tell us a bit about?

Amber- Yes! A new teen fic, called Perfectly Imperfect, which is up and which you guys should check out! It's a book about life in general and the problems. People face, basically just life problems. But I think it's pretty cool and interesting and I think I could make it enjoyable haha. Hopefully anyway!

I also have fanfics in drafts but for now I'll stick to writing teen fic (unless I suddenly get fanfic feels haha). Hopefully people will still like my writing!


Hey Everyone! I had such a fantastic time interviewing Amber! She is not only a magnificent friend, she is also an amazing author! Thank-you Amber for an amazing Interview! Shout Out goes to the main gal of this Interview spraythesun ! Go check out her New TeenFiction Book Called " Perfectly Imperfect " It is great! Byee, have a great day/night! - Ella1908

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