Chapter Two

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Evelyn was snivelling softly, cleaning up the mess from breakfast, stacking two colourful plates and piling an empty yogurt pot and fruit pouch on top, along with tiny cutlery. Sherlock had dropped the children at nursery while she continued getting ready for work, and was planning to make up a flask of coffee for her to take when he got back, thinking she'd still be upstairs. He wasn't expecting to come home to her crying into the washing up.

"Evelyn? What's the matter?"

She glanced up at him, not realising he'd entered the room, shaking her head. "Nothing, I'm being silly."

"Nothing is silly if it's made you upset. Tell me."

Eve sighed, putting the plates down on the side next to the sink before rummaging in her trouser pocket. "I was playing with the kids while you were in the shower earlier and," she pulled out her blue plastic ring, the one he'd got in the arcade almost six years ago, but it was snapped in two. "I caught my finger in that stupid pop up shape sorter and it broke."

Sherlock held the back of her hand, picking up the two separate pieces. He was always astonished the cheap thing had lasted this long. "Is your finger okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... the ring probably saved it," she gave a watery chuckle. "But now it's broken."

"Evie," he shook his head. "It's just a daft plastic ring. I do remember at the time you said how nothing lasts forever."

She moved away, wiping her eye with the palm of her hand. "Told you I was being silly."

"I didn't mean it like that–"

"I know, it's fine. It's just..." she smiled wistfully at him, tracks of tears still down her face. "It was the first thing you ever gave me. That night was almost like our first date or something."

He sighed, finally understanding. "I can glue it back together. You could still keep it, display it, I don't know... But I'll fix it."

"You don't have to–"

"I want to," he closed the small space between them, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Sentimental woman."

She laughed, squeezing his waist. "You're no better or why else would we have two small humans."

"Hm," he kissed the top of her head. "You know, this wasn't the first thing I gave you."


"No. I gave you my lighter," Eve tipped her head back to look at him, loud laughter bubbling out of her. He grinned. "I lied when I said I had plenty at the flat, that was my last one. Surprising how many I used to lose on cases. I had to buy a new one on my way home that night."

She bit into her lip. "I've still got that, as well."

Sherlock snorted. "Why?"

"Guess I'm just a sentimental woman," she said, smirking up at him. "Do you want it back?"

He stroked her hair, still chuckling. "All yours."


Sherlock strolled into the kitchen, coat still on and billowing behind him. Evelyn smiled, that sight never got old. She hadn't even heard the front door open and close, still to this day she wondered if she should have followed through on that pinning a bell onto him idea, he had the stealth of a cat. "Hey," she padded her bare feet over to meet him half way at the end of the island. "Wondered where you were," she pressed a quick kiss to his mouth. "Case?"

"Nope," he looked as though he was anticipating something. "When did you get home?"

"Only about fifteen minutes ago," she glanced around herself nervously. "There isn't about to be an explosion come from the lab is there?"

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