Chapter Five

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Evelyn stopped, leaning against the doorframe, biting her lip while crossing her arms over her chest. It was criminal, actually criminal for him to be doing this to her, right as she's getting ready for work. Criminal.

He'd gotten up early, despite having barely slept due to a case running over the past few days, taking the children to nursery so she didn't have to rush getting ready for work, giving her an extra ten minutes in bed. Then she gets to see him like this. Neither was anything new, it was part of their routine really, but it never made it any less surprisingly sexy. The two sides of him were equally as beautiful, doting father and gorgeous husband.

Sherlock was spread out on a mat doing pushups, jumping to his feet after she managed to get her brain working enough to count twelve, and moving straight into Baritsu practice. Arms flying, ducking away from nothing, picking up his stick and basically threatening their wardrobe door. Oh, and to top it all off, he was only wearing cuffed jogging bottoms.

There was a slight sheen to his back, his muscles rippling with every sharp movement, and he was panting just the tiniest amount. Evelyn felt a bit pervy watching him, he clearly hadn't noticed her stood at the other end of the room, but he was her husband, this was kind of allowed, right?

He turned, now practicing with his other arm as the dominant force, and quirked his eyebrow at her. He's absolutely been aware of her presence this whole time. Git.

"You look rather fetching, Wife."

She flushed pink, glancing down at his white shirt she'd thrown on after jumping out the shower. It was left hanging on the back of the door, she couldn't resist. "You think?"

He set the stick down, walking towards her while ruffling his hair. Once again she found herself thinking: Criminal.

"Sherlock–" his hands cupped her face, parted mouth landing on her. She hummed into him, her hands lying flat on the warm planes of his back. "I need to–" he kissed her again. "Work."

"Hm," he kissed her nose, her cheek. "Maybe I should give you something to think about while you're suturing and saving lives."

She sucked in a breath, her voice barely a whisper. "That would be highly distracting and unprofessional of me."

"Terrible." He agreed, holding her gaze as he slowly lowered himself to his knees.

"I've just showered, I'm... I'm– Sherlock–"

He locked his eyes on hers. "Do you want me to stop?"

Evelyn hesitated, for just a moment, and he sat himself back on his heels, ready to back off. "No," she said, rushing the word from her mouth. "No, don't stop."

"Are you sure? Don't let me seduce you."

She laughed. "Cocky fucker."

"Hm. That I am." He smoothed his palms over the outsides if he thighs, pressing his face into her belly, eyes closed and inhaling. He looked up at her and grinned wickedly, kissing the small bow on her knickers before taking the edge between his teeth and, with slight assistance from his hands on her hips, tugged the item of clothing downward. He nudged his nose against the space between her legs as he passed that delightful area of her before continuing his decent, dropping almost flat to the floor before letting the item fall from his mouth.

She mewled at the sight. "Jesus fucking christ, Sherlock..." Her breathing was laboured, eyes wide, watching his every move.

He flashed her his best charming smirk before rising, elegant as ever, to his feet, holding her face in his hands and kissing her. "I want to make love to you."

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