Chapter Fifteen

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Shopping with Sherlock is never the most relaxing of experiences, but needs must. He's gotten better at popping out to the small Tesco Express in the high street up the road, but going into an actual shopping centre was a whole different level of patience he often lacked, usually leading to Evelyn's own patience wearing thin. She offered to go alone, tried to give him an out, but he was adamant to join her. So, smack bang in the middle of the week, hoping that meant it would be quieter, Sherlock case free and both children at nursery, she decided today was going to be the day.

"God, this place makes me want to smoke."

Evelyn glanced at him. He was carrying two bags in one hand with a half finished cardboard cup of coffee in the other. "I did say I'd do this on my own."

Sherlock creased up his face. "Absolutely not. It was hellish picking a travel system last time, you need all the help you can get."

"It was hellish because you made it that way. We don't need all the gadgets gizmos to go on it, as long as it has wheels and will hold our kids it doesn't matter."

"I think it does matter," he grumbled. "We want a nice one."

She snorted. "Seriously, Sherlock? It doesn't have to be like picking a car all over again."

He shrugged, taking a mouthful of his drink. "I have three potential options in mind after my research."

"So it is going to be like buying a car all over again," she turned toward him, halting his walk. "Can I have some of that?"

Sherlock looked down at his cup then back up at her. "It's coffee."

Eve stuck her bottom lip out. "I'm allowed up to two hundred milligrams a day and I haven't had a single drop since we found out I was pregnant. I'm gasping. Please?"

"You had a decaf ten minutes ago–"

"It's not the same. Tastes like shit. Please, Sherlock?"

He pursed his lips and gave the cup a slight shake, assessing how much is remaining. "You're welcome to the rest, though it does have two sugars and it is not almond milk."

Evelyn's face broke out into a grin, beaming at him. "Really?"

"Of course," he offered it over. "I'd never stop you doing anything, Evie. There's probably only a few mouthfuls left. I could get you a fresh one?"

She shook her head, taking the drink. "No, this is fine, only want a little," she stretched up to kiss him sweetly. "Thank you." Sherlock smiled softly as she took her first sip, practically melting at the flavour. "Even with the extra sugar this tastes so much better than the decaf."

Sherlock chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to guide her forwards. "Hopefully it gives you enough of a boost to withstand my incessant stubbornness in this ridiculously named shop. I'm quite determined to get it all done today."

"Can we at least go in there with an idea of what we're coming out with? No use you getting distracted by non-essentials."

"A pram, obviously."

"Well, yes. If we get a cot in here we could probably be done... I'm certain we have enough clothes and all the other bits. Did you get the bottles out of John Lewis? Wait, we need a new carseat. Oh! And the damn buggy board–"

Once they reached the shop entrance Sherlock set the bags down at their feet, moving to stand in front of her. "Stop panicking. I got the bottles, dummies, bibs. With any luck we can get all those other things in this one shop, then we can go home," he took the now empty cup from her grasp. "Maybe your tolerance for caffeine has faltered."

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