Chapter Twenty Two

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"Good case?"

Sherlock grunted, throwing his suit jacket down and kicking his shoes off. "Dull. Even John was bored," he collapsed onto the sofa, curling himself around her, entwining their legs. "Here." He tossed a small box up, watching her catch it.

"What is it?"

"Open it," he said, running his nose along her collarbone. "Took longer than I thought it would to be finished."

Evelyn frowned, but opened the box, staring down at a pair of sparkling diamond earrings. "What are– Why?"

Sherlock half shrugged. "They were cufflinks. All my cuffs have buttons."

Evelyn's mouth bobbed. "Are these from the museum case? The missing fossil?"

"Hm. Had the diamonds reset. Oh," he rummaged in his trouser pocket, raising his arm and handing her another slim box. "Forgot about this one."

Setting the earring aside, she sat herself up against the arm of the chair, much to Sherlock's disgruntlement. He straightened his back, pulling her legs into his lap and tracing the bones in her ankle, poking at the top of her sock.

Eve opened the new box with a sceptical look on her face, and inside sat a delicate hair clip, a round opal at the top with eight small emeralds surrounding it. She gaped at the gift, then at him. "This is... I buy my hair clips from Boots." That didn't come out the way she'd intended.

Sherlock frowned, his expression conveying that 'don't be dense' stare, tilting his head. "And? Now you have one that'll last longer than a month. Was a lapel pin, I don't wear any of that nonsense. From that Earl I got off a murder charge."

"Uh-Huh. But I– I just meant that I buy cheap stuff for my hair because nothing remains truly mine with the kids around. Olive steals a different accessory from my dresser everyday. Sherlock, this must be worth like... over a grand."

He waved a hand, attempting to waft away her concerns. "I'll buy a new jewellery box with a lock. The earrings or the clip? Closer to fifty."

"Please say you mean five zero."

"Maybe a few extra zeroes."


"For both. I had them valued before having them reset, just in case you didn't like them. That way you could sell them on and buy yourself something else, but I thought they'd suit you," Sherlock looked up at her from under his lashes, appearing endearingly nervous. "Do you?"

"Do I?"

"Like them."

"Oh. Yes, of course I do, they're beautiful, but..." she watched the anticipation on his face, and decided to stop questioning him and simply accept that her husband was being thoughtful. He'd decided to turn something unwanted into a gift for her, and that was undeniably sweet. "Thank you."

He beamed. "You're welcome."

"Really though, thank you. You're wonderful," Evelyn leaned forward to kiss him, murmuring against his mouth, "Love you."

"Love you, too," he gave her that wicked crooked smile, turning her insides to mush. He took the clip from the box in her hand and slid it into her hair, grinning. "You're really rather lovely, Evelyn Holmes," her cheeks warmed up under his adoring gaze. "I'm currently waiting on a ring set. Should be ready by next week."

She raised an eyebrow. "What was it originally?"

"Tie ring," he rolled his eyes. "These people have no critical thinking skills. When have I ever worn a tie?"

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