Chapter Twenty One

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"Who does a reunion for nineteen years? It's ridiculous."

"Because it's also a celebration of the school. One hundred years or something, so they're combining the two."

"Still, my point stands. Ridiculous." Sherlock tossed the invite onto the bed. "Are you ready?"

Evelyn emerged from the en suite, finishing with the clasp on the back of her earring, pink satin dress flowing perfectly. "No. I don't know. I– I really don't think this is a good idea," her palms moved to rub nervously against her thighs. "Is it?"

"Well," Sherlock smirked, tipping his head. "If it helps, you look stunning."

She smiled softly, shaking her head. "You always think I look stunning. No, I'm– Should we cancel? Maybe we should. I haven't seen any of these people since I was fifteen, and I never planned on seeing them again."

"You said you wanted to go." Sherlock said, a small crease between his brows.

"I was being polite! I–" she grumbles. "I was being a people pleaser, didn't want to be rude."

Sherlock stood up, buttoning his jacket. "We can cancel. If that's what you want."

Eve pouted, reaching out to touch his lapel. "You've been dreading this as much as I have."

He shrugged. "I'd do anything with you, you know that, and I certainly wouldn't let you face this on your own."

Evelyn's heart was swelling in her chest. She closed the small distance between them, fiddling with the the top button of his shirt. "I love you enormously, you sweet man," she glanced up to meet his gaze. "I'm still apprehensive."

"It's entirely your decision, but John and Mary are here, the children will be fine. You're all dressed up," he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "If we go we can leave whenever you want, jump in the car and come home."

"Right," she nodded resolutely, though her face was betraying how unconvinced she still was. "We can just leave."

Sherlock opened his mouth, but hesitated. "Do you feel you might be apprehensive to leave Eloise? We never planned to be at this thing for long–"

"No, no. At least I don't think so? The kids are safe with John and Mary, I know that, and they'll be in bed before long..." she sighs. "It's always hard, leaving them the first time, though."

"They'll be fine, Evie. Rosie is here, what could possibly go wrong?"

She laughed, shaking her head. "Are you saying you trust Rosie over John?"

Sherlock scoffed. "Obviously. She's much more mature."

"She's five."



Evelyn turned toward Sherlock, her hands clenched together on her lap as she filled her lungs with a courageous breath.

"I'm not sure I can to do this."

"Eve-" Before Sherlock could finish his sentence, she held up her finger, a silent message that she needed to finish her thoughts without interruption. He pursed his lips and bit his tongue, but nodded at her signal, his eyes resuming their focus on the road in front of him.

"I'm sorry. I know I keep changing my mind but I– I hated school." Tears blurred her vision as she looked away from her clenched hands and focused on Sherlock's face that was deep in concentration. "I had a terrible time. My classmates were horrible towards me. They would tease me, spread rumours, kick my feet from under me, purposely do things to see me cry. One girl was supposed to be my friend, but she took my insecurities then used them to bully me until I could finally get out of there. They were just bloody awful, Sherlock."

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