Chapter Six

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"It's been hours..."

"We'll find him, Eve, both Mycroft and Greg are working on it."

"I just have this gut feeling..."

"He'll be fine."

She closed her eyes, large drops of tears falling freely down her face. "I'm not ready," she whispered. "I'm just not ready. What about the kids, what about... we need more time."

"Hey," Mary squeezed her shoulders. "It's gonna be fine. Your gut feeling, is it telling you he's gone?" Evelyn took a hard breath, but shook her head. "No, exactly. You'd know, Evie, you just would, I believe that."

Evelyn attempted a small smile. "Thank you."

"Mummy, my teeth are clean..." Eve wiped her face and forced the smile higher towards her daughter. "Why are you sad?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, Peanut," she held her arms open, Olivia rushed into them. "Are you ready for bed?"

Olivia nodded, squeezing her arms around her mother's neck tightly. "Will Daddy be home soon?"

Evelyn's breath shuddered.

"Hey, Livi girl, you okay if I put you to bed tonight?" Mary asked, attempting to make it sound exciting, to distract her.

"Can we read How to Catch a Star?"

"We can read whatever you like."

"Okay!" Olivia pressed a sloppy kiss on Eve's cheek and jumped off her lap, grabbing her Auntie's hand to tug her along. "It's my favourite, or The Hobbit, but only Daddy can read that one because he does the voices."

Evelyn watched them disappear out the room, finally letting a sob burst from her mouth. John dropped into Mary's spot, soothing a hand up and down her back. "It's alright."

"I should check on Matthew–"

"Mary will do it, don't worry," he stood up hesitantly, wanting to make himself useful. "Do you want tea? I'll make tea."

"John," he turned back to look at her. "Be honest with me. Do you think he's okay?"

John sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know for certain that Sherlock would never ignore your phone call, and he would never not let you know where he was, so I think... I think he's in trouble, yeah, but he would fight tooth and nail to get back to you, Eve. Just hold steady, he'll come home."

Eve bit into her lip, brushing a tear away. "He'll come home."

John nod. "Do you want something other than tea? I can–"

The sound of a key in the lock sounded ten times louder than usual, the anticipation for it making them more aware of it. They both froze, too scared to move, then the front door swung open violently.

Evelyn sucked in a sharp breath, sobbing into her hand as Sherlock limped into the room, moving as fast as he physically could. The first thing Evelyn noticed was the blood. His shirt is soaked in it, his face covered. She tried assessing his injuries within the first seconds she saw him but she could barely tell what she was looking at, he was such a mess they became indistinguishable.

"Jesus christ, Sherlock!" John rushed over, trying to bring him to a halt and give medical attention, but Sherlock brushed him off. "Sherlock! Let me look–"

"No!" Sherlock continued towards his wife on the sofa. "Evie..." he breathed. "Evie–"

She leapt up, feeling all the fear and anger blur into one. "You idiot," she gasped, shoving his chest lightly. "You complete and utter... you– you stupid–"

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