Chapter 8

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The day of the graduation quickly approached to Jin's dismay. He did not know how to show his hair to his classmates. He is very conscious even when his mom told him how much he looks gorgeous with it.

Hoseok also bought a contact lens that he said he should wear. When he looked in the mirror, he is sure he is seeing a different person.

"Seokjin, let's go, your father is waiting for us." His mom said as she knocked at the door.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." He said then sigh. He doesn't have a choice anyway.

As he walked to the front seat for their position, he got more conscious because people are looking at him. Hoseok told him to smile but he just can't when he's being looked at by a lot of people.

"Jin?" He heard from behind.

He turned and saw Jungkook who was shocked seeing him.

"I know what you will say." He said as he knows the other will just tease him.

"Wow! I mean... you look handsome."

Jin blushed as this is the first time Jungkook actually complimented him.

"Did you choose the color of your hair?" Jungkook asked still dazed by how Jin looks. "You look more handsome without your eyeglasses on." He said and was about to touch his cheek when they heard another voice.

"Seokjin, Jungkook." Jin looked behind and he saw his brother with Sunghoon.

"Hyungs." He said slowly then looked at Jungkook who's looking lovingly at his brother.

"We want to congratulate you both in advance. We'll stay with eomma and appa and we'll see you later, okay?" His brother said but Jin noticed that he was looking intently at Jungkook instead of him.

Jin just nodded at them and looked for his seat.

As the 2nd awardee in their batch, he got to do the opening speech. Everyone were congratulating him for a good speech and he smiled consciously at them, still not feeling at ease with his hair.

As soon as the ceremony was done, he went to his family. The Jeons also congratulated him when they saw him and his family. He noticed again how Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other secretly for some time.

He took pictures with Hoseok and Jungkook, and then with his family.

Jungkook had been busy looking at Jimin and his husband that he did not notice his cousin bringing flowers.

"Hey, stop looking at him on occasions like this." Taehyung said in a whisper.

Jungkook looked at him and he saw the bouquet he was bringing.

"Is that for me?" Jungkook asked.

"Nope. This is for Seokjin." He said then left Jungkook while he looked for Seokjin.

Jungkook was surprised why would his cousin actually give Seokjin flowers. Everyone were actually looking at Taehyung since he has a strong presence and his handsome face is a view for everyone.

When Seokjin saw him, they both smiled at each other.

"Congratulations, Seokjin." He said then gave Jin the flowers.

Jin blushed and Jimin saw it. He got curious who the man was but his father made his identity known after few seconds.

"Dr. Kim!" His father suddenly said. "I didn't know you will be here."

Jin was surprised on how his father addressed Taehyung. It looks like they are pretty close. He knows he is currently practicing internship but did not know he was a colleague to his father.

"I am here to visit my cousin, Dr. Kim, Jeon Jungkook. Please don't call me Doctor yet. I feel old when I'm just about to complete my internship. Dr. Min was with me by the way. I hope you'll see him, too." Taehyung answered Jin's father.

"I hope so, too. I just remembered now how you were related to the Jeons. That is really nice as Seokjin is also quite close to the Jeons.

There's a small party at our house, please feel free to come together with Dr. Min. Jungkook will be able to help you find the place."

"That will be nice. Thank you for the invitation."

"We'll expect you tonight, then." Jin's dad said. "We'll get going now. Nice to see you again, Dr. Kim and hope to see you later."

"Same, Dr. Kim. Congratulations again, Seokjin." He said then kissed Jin's right cheek.

Jin was stunned by what Taehyung did and blushed more. He looked at the retreating back of Taehyung and he saw Jungkook near his cousin looking at him.

"Seokjin, let's go." His mom called for him.


"What was that?" Jungkook asked when he was alone with Taehyung, seeing Seokjin's back. "Since when have you been closed to Seokjin? I was his bestfriend since we were young and never had you talked to him like that."

"Why? Do you like him?"

"N-no! He's my bestfriend!"

"I will not take your position as his bestfriend. I would want more than that, probably a boyfriend." Taehyung said.

"W-what? W-why Jin?"

"Why not? I have a crush on him since highschool so I think it's just fair that I court him. He's a graduate and will soon be an intern. I don't see anything wrong with that." Taehyung said with a shrug.

"Are you done playing with your men in Seoul?" Jungkook asked.

"First of all, I don't play. Second, I never had a boyfriend and I always had my eyes on Jin. I might have my one night stands, but no strings attached. What you feel for Jimin is what I feel for Jin, so you must understand what I am feeling right now. You won't get in my way, right?"

"Y-yeah... of course, I won't." He said.

"Thanks." Taehyung said then tapped Jungkook's shoulder.

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