Manta(Survive Mode)Mirror Mode Story #8

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Kamen Rider Manta. Mirror mode story #8 prologue:After defeating Xaviax he vowed to be back, in preparation  for that Len, Kase and Gaven created a Survive Deck for Ashley, to become Manta(Survive) and enters the battle again against  Xaviax as Kamen Rider Manta(Survive Mode).
Kamen Rider Manta(Survive):

Manta(Survive) Makes it through the first Section of the mirror mode story, and then she also defeats Xaviax again

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Manta(Survive) Makes it through the first Section of the mirror mode story, and then she also defeats Xaviax again.
Kamen Rider Manta(Survive Mode) Mirror mode story # 8 epilogue: Ashley defeated Xaviax again but due to being in Survive mode longer then she expected, she collapses,she is brought home by her partner and boyfriend Len, happy and enjoying their bond, they enjoy their break for now until,
Kamen Rider Bat Knight:you  did great Ashley.
Kamen Rider Manta: Thanks Len, it was fun , still.
KamenRider Bat Knight: I imagine it was.
•well that is Kamen Rider Manta( Survive mode) mirror mode story, next part is Kamen Rider Dusk Dragon's. 

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