Dragon Knight(2)mirror mode story #12

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Dragon Knight(2) mirror mode Story#12 prologue:
Emma Taylor, the Adopted Daughter of Gaven Taylor.The previous Dragon Knight,the current Dusk Dragon and the Soon to be Prowl(2) and her Adopted Father, and Kase Cassidy, her adopted mom, Kamen Rider Holy Knight , and  Spear(2), has proven herself worthy. Of carrying on the Legacy of her adopted father as the Seocnd Dragon Knight.
Dragon Knight(2) makes it past the first section, and defeats Xaviax.
Dragon Knight (2) mirror mode story# 12 epilogue: Emma defeated Xaviax, and made her Adpoted parents proud of her. And like her Adopted parents and her Uncle Len and Aunty Ashley, she continues to learn from all of them on what it means to be a Kamen Rider, and also help protect both Earth and Ventara.
•that is The first Part Of the new Dragon Knight's mirror mode story, next part is Dragon Knight(2) survive.

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