Chapter 1.

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The blinding light that persisted and intensified my disorientation came from everywhere. I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, but everything was so bright that it was hard to focus. Gradually, I became aware of something peculiar - my senses were heightened to an extraordinary degree. 

The soft hum in the air transformed into a symphony of nuanced sounds, each note resonating with an almost palpable clarity. I could hear the rustling of leaves in the wind, the distant chirping of birds, and my breathing, which seemed to echo in my ears. It was like a veil had been lifted from my senses, and I could perceive everything around me with unprecedented detail.

As I attempted to shield my eyes from the overwhelming brightness, I became acutely aware of the subtle scents wafting through the air. Previously indistinct fragrances now reached me with an intensity that bordered on overwhelming. The earthy notes of soil, the distant aroma of pine, and even the subtle sweetness of a flower in bloom were all heightened, assaulting my olfactory senses with newfound potency.

Once impervious to anything beyond the usual tactile sensations, my skin tingled with a heightened awareness. The warmth from the radiant source felt more than just comforting—it seemed to course through me, infusing my every pore with a vitality that was both exhilarating and unnerving.

The bed beneath me felt both unfamiliar and strangely comforting as I rose slowly, the cool touch of the fabric registering against my fingertips. The disorienting brightness of the surroundings persisted, but a newfound awareness tingled through my every nerve. A sudden crash shattered the quiet as I gathered my bearings, prompting me to whip my head towards the source.

To my left, a girl stood frozen, her wide eyes fixed on me with disbelief and an underlying trace of fear. The remnants of a once-intact tray lay scattered on the floor, a testament to the abrupt disruption in the room. Fragments of broken porcelain and spilt contents painted a chaotic scene at her feet. My head tilted, and my eyes narrowed at the woman in curiosity.

In the charged silence that followed, I noticed the heightened understanding of my hearing, capturing the subtlest nuances of her startled breaths and the rapid beating of her heart.

A sudden hunger stirred within me, a craving that seemed to emanate from the very core of my being. It was a profound yearning, one that I couldn't quite comprehend. My gaze fixed on the girl, and an inexplicable desire welled within me, urging me to draw closer.

A surge of unfamiliar power coursed through me, propelling my body forward with an uncanny swiftness. I instantly stood before the girl, her startled whimper echoing in the charged atmosphere. My head tilted involuntarily, my senses now attuned to her like a predator fixated on its prey. I realized I looked down at the woman as if I had grown a few inches more than I remembered.

As I observed her, a sense of detachment washed over me, an unsettling realization dawning upon my consciousness. The hunger that had stirred within me earlier manifested with an undeniable force. It was a primal instinct, an urge that transcended reason and defied the boundaries of my former humanity.

"Where am I?" My question hung in the air, a quiet plea for clarity amid the bewildering circumstances. Yet, as the words left my lips, my gaze involuntarily traced the contours of the girl's form before me. The heightened senses I now possessed laid bare the subtle details—the rise and fall of her chest, the pulse of life coursing through her veins, and the rapid cadence of her heartbeat.

"Please, My L-" A chilling stillness settled in the room as her plea for mercy was abruptly stifled. The air thickened with tension as my hand moved swiftly, silencing her words with an unyielding grip over her neck. The shift in dynamics was palpable, a stark contrast to the confusion that had reigned moments ago.

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