Chapter 12.

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*Warning. This chapter contains scenes of heavy violence, gore, and topics revolving around WWII. Viewer discretion is advised.*

As Xander's hand slipped from mine, I couldn't help but wince at the lingering ache in my toes. So much for being an Upir, because whoever made these shoes must hate women."One more dance!" he pleaded, his voice laced with enthusiasm. I chuckled softly, my feet protesting with every step. "Xander, I think your toes are now broken from my dancing," I teased, trying to mask the discomfort. I have never been a dancer. And the scuffs on Xander's shoes were evidence of it.

Xander's wide smile stretched across his face, revealing a row of perfectly straight teeth gleaming in the soft light of the ballroom. His lips curved upward with a playful charm, the corners crinkling ever so slightly with the sincerity of his affectionate jest. Each dimple deepened as his grin broadened, adding a youthful exuberance to his already handsome features. "And I take the pain with love, my darling," he replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

As I looked around, while Xander spun me on his toes, I could see people whispering about us. It's a shame my hearing had improved, while their words sliced me down with insecurity. "People are watching!" I whispered urgently, glancing around at the curious gazes fixed upon us.

"Let them," he declared boldly, pulling me closer. "They are surely jealous of my amazing dance partner."

I groaned. "Fine, let us go talk to the others," he said lightly, his tone infused with a hint of mischief. "Mr. Molleten has been pestering me to have a chat since he arrived."

"You go. I think I've had enough introductions," I asserted, a weariness lacing my words despite my attempt to sound resolute.

Xander's brows furrowed slightly, concern flickering in his gaze as he turned to me. "Are you sure, my love?" he inquired, his voice soft with genuine worry.

His words, filled with tenderness and affection, washed over me like a soothing balm, momentarily easing the fatigue that weighed heavily upon my shoulders. Despite my exhaustion, I couldn't help but be touched by his unwavering concern, the depth of his love shining brightly in those earnest eyes.

With a reassuring smile, I nodded, mustering the last remnants of my energy. "I'll be fine, Xander. Go on ahead and enjoy yourself," I insisted, though a part of me longed for the comfort of his company. His eyebrows furrowed as he searched my eyes, making me sigh and giggle at his actions.

"I'm sure, Xander," I replied with a soft smile, as inwardly, I longed for a quiet corner to rest. "You go ahead. Mr. Molleten won't wait forever, and I wouldn't want to keep him waiting."

Xander's gaze softened, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Are you certain, my love? You seem a bit weary."

"It's just the excitement of the evening catching up with me," I reassured him, though the fatigue weighed heavily on my shoulders. "I'll find Maggie and ensure she's enjoying herself. That should keep me occupied."

With a gentle nod, Xander squeezed my hand affectionately before reluctantly releasing it. As he turned to join the gathering crowd, I took a moment to steady myself, drawing a deep breath to steel my resolve.

Navigating through the lively throng of guests, I searched for Maggie amidst the sea of faces. The ballroom buzzed with laughter and chatter, the clink of glasses and the melodic strains of music creating a symphony of revelry. I stopped in the corner of the room, looking around the sea of people in search of my human companion.

"It's quite sad isn't it?", a woman spoke as she neared me. Breaking my gaze from the crowd, I looked at her as my brows furrowed. Her dress and mask symbolized a crow, the bringer of change. She stood tall, with pitch-black hair cascading down her back. Her cheekbones were high, and her light brown eyes met mine I asked, "What is?"

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