Chapter 7

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Diana's POV

The Entas were providing me with a new understanding of Elion Honour.

It was Orlai's expertise and now I understand why she familiarised herself so heavily with Kor Honour Codes. It was the only bridging gap of understanding between subspecies and Elion.

Even our love did not align. Alpha Centauri and Mars alike could go from loving halves of me, King to Queen, Mate to Mate – and then easily threaten my life by reminding me on the daily what a tasty little morsel I'd become one day. Fuelling fear and uncertainty.

The Enta were the same and different. Being honourless made them both dangerous, quite curious – but most of all, they had a repulsion to the other Kors. They could not be near one another. Risking a singularity and their existence.

I wish I could hold a normal conversation with the Entary – however, he not only stole Lyra, disapproved and murdered Empresses, but also twisted my mind and my dreams so that I couldn't escape the nightmares he provided.

Dark Star Power – no honour to me was starting to mean evil Elions. Where as my honour bound Kors, Ninth Squad and Star Squad – were 'good' Elions, because they tried.

The Enta Kors however, were soulless and mischievous. The only thing I found that stood out about Wolf-Rayet was his deep-seated bitterness and hopelessness. His attempts at seduction were nothing short of creepy. He was trying to match my desire of being bound – to his desire of me being bound over a firepit. Uh – no thanks?

So, I had once again gone from thinking I could communicate with Enta, to realising I need to keep my distance. Wolf-Rayet delivers me to the Kor Prison, swooping down a hole overgrown with vines. His clawed bat wings rip away at the flora and then he uses his wings to crawl us down and into the hole.

A dungeon opens below the Kor Prison on Dark Ninth. It's separate from the top structure. It has no natural light. But it does have a bright liquid light of dead and liquified Fey, feeding fluorescent and bright neon flowers. Whoever had the misfortune of being thrown to the Enta under Cinta's reign – must have had the same sentence – death without honour. It's not a sparkle down here, it's pools of metal. Yet another graveyard.

I look around the overgrown Elion dungeon, one room with other Enta Kors already lounging around or Stealthing and walking through the dark, while the Entary drops me off dead centre over a circular and polished alter, recently cleared.

I sit on it and I look around at every corner of this place.

The exit out requires flight. My heart beats slower as I realise my only way of getting out of here alive, is either reaching a second before death – forcing Alpha Centauri's hand if he wished to keep me alive, only to devour me personally – which is the only reason he'd give a crap, deep down in his rotting Elion heart.

Or – somehow – befriend the Shadow Kors, the Nightmare Kors – the Enta.

I cross my legs and hold my ankles as Wolf-Rayet keeps a claw under my chain between Krown and Plume, stroking the length of it – and I watch pink Theta sunken into deep blue moss, watching me with hooded white eyes as he picks at his fangs. The silver Enta Kors, Saiph and Regor, must both be Stealthing, as I can't spot them. The cloud grey Alnilam and Alnitak, stalk closer, near Wolf-Rayet, but not nearer than him, as his twitching wing span keeps them from getting too close. The black-red Enta with silver eyes, Sagitta, Vela and Velorum, they are scattered about, just watching, not pacing.

"Soft like butter," Wolf-Rayet holds out a clawed hand and a pile of soft rope appears from thin air, slipping through his fingers and draping it over my shoulder, "Feel it."

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