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TW: suicide and SH mention

- Eugene's mother was from Norway, and his father is from China.

- When Eugene was 11, he came out to his family as transgender. His mother was so disappointed that she walked out on the family. The last thing she said to Eugene was, "I can't believe I ended up with a daughter like you." This scarred him for life, and he's very hesitant to tell people that he's trans. His father was one of those people who thought his transness was just a phase.

- Eugene is closer to his older sister Portia than he ever was with his parents. She was more of a mother to him than a sister, and he always relied on her, even if he didn't like to admit it. She was also the only person who supported his dream of being a musician.

- He's always cut his own hair, and he's gotten good at styling it over the years.

- Apart from having a piercing in each ear, he also has a lip piercing. His father grounded him for a month when he found out about it.

- His favorite show as a kid was Avatar: the Last Airbender. His favorite character was Toph because she reminded him of himself.

- After Eugene lost his sister, he started losing all hope. He even started harming himself and thinking about ending his own life. But when he started warming up to Max, he realized that they gave him hope again.

- When it comes to Zion, Eugene sees him as sort of a bossy big brother.

- He has undiagnosed ADHD.

- As a preteen, Eugene started wearing baggy sweaters and hoodies in order to appear more masculine. He stills likes wearing grandpa sweaters and baggy jeans. His discovery of Cavetown led to him gravitating towards the gremlincore aesthetic.

- Even though he's sassy and sarcastic, he's very funny and sweet when you warm up to him. It just takes a bit.

- He can play both the piano and the acoustic guitar.

- He's fluent in both English and Cantonese, but his Norwegian is a little rusty.

- In his sophomore year of high school, Eugene had a boyfriend who fetishized him for his transness. The guy eventually dumped him by throwing him out of his car. While furious, Portia was relieved and even took Eugene out for ice cream to celebrate.

- Eugene had an emo phase in middle school. He can still play 'I Wouldn't Mind' by He Is We on the guitar, as well as a couple of MCR songs.

- He has a really big appetite, but he tries to watch what he eats because he doesn't want to gain "too much" weight. He has a peanut allergy, too.

- Before Eugene started realizing that Lawrence was not a good person, he saw him as an older brother figure, and they bonded over both having strict and unsupportive parents. But when Lawrence left Portia behind, Eugene lost some respect for him.

- When Eugene, Max, Aadhiya, and Florian settled down in the Safe Zone, Eugene ended up helping taking care of the orphaned children. He pretended not to like it at first, but eventually admitted that he likes singing them songs and hanging out with them. He still has no idea how it happened.

- He has light brown freckles.

- A day after Eugene arrived at the Safe Zone, he found out that his dad was there, too. At first, he was nervous, but the outbreak had luckily knocked some sense into his father. Eventually, Mr. Linhuang became part of the first shipment of people to be transported from the Safe Zone to a safer area of the country, but Eugene insisted on staying with Max, reassuring him that they'd find each other again. They're trying to mend their bond.

- He found an acoustic guitar in the Lost and Found bin in the Safe Zone. It had never been claimed, so he decided to take it for himself.

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