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- Judy's Polish and Austrian ancestors were Jewish Holocaust survivors, and they moved to Canada after the war. Judy had a Canadian citizenship as well as an American one.

- She was raised as a Conservative Jew. Their family kept kosher, and she had a bat mitzvah when she was 12. They also went to Sunday school at her local synagogue, which they found boring, but still appreciated.

- Judy was the oldest of three girls, and they were very close with her younger twin sisters.

- In middle school, Judy got into anime and even dabbled in cosplay as a teenager; she had a large Instagram and TikTok following for their cosplays and other anime content. They also got her younger sisters into it. Her favorite animes were Demon Slayer and Evergarden.

- They had a chubby build. Of course, this came with some insecurity, but her mom helped them to get over it.

- She used to love going to Starbucks, but starting from October 7th, 2023, when Israel started bombing Gaza, Judy and their family refused to keep going there. (I'm not going to talk about my political opinions in the comments, so don't even bother.)

- Judy loved the cottagecore and art hoe aesthetics. She owned a lot of chunky cardigans with fun patterns, and they adored the colors yellow, pink, turquoise, and pastel blue. When it came to makeup, her go-to look was a glossy pink lip, pink blush, and colorful graphic eyeliner (always with glitter).

- They loved drawing and painting since they were young. Starting from middle school, she joined every art club they could. Her dream was to be a world famous painter. On Judy's 11th birthday, her parents gave them an easel and a set of paintbrushes to put in their room.

- Judy had ADHD and high-functioning autism, which she inherited from their father. She also had anxiety from their mother. Other than anime, her special interests were painters like Artemisia Gentileschi and Vincent Van Gogh.

- Her favorite animals were swans.

- In peaceful times, they loved going on beach vacations with her family.

- Judy had a pet hamster named Nugget.

- She loved Studio Ghibli. Their favorite movie was Arietty.

- When it came to friends and loved ones, Judy was very affectionate to the point where some people even thought of it as annoying. She also became emotional easily.

- After the outbreak, Judy, much like Max, spent about a month on her own before running into Lawrence and the others and being taken back to their high school hideout. She quickly became friends with Sue, Harry, and Hailey. She even managed to make Eugene open up to them.

- They always carried nail polish in her backpack. One time, Judy wanted to lift everyone's spirits, so they got together with Hailey, Harry, and Sue (Max wasn't in the group yet), and everyone painted each other's nails.

- Judy died when Lawrence tricked her into following him into the middle school building and throwing them to the zombies. Lawrence thought that she and Max were a little too close for his liking.

- Fortunately, Judy's 13-year-old sisters, Bluma and Cozette, made it to the Safe Zone. Unfortunately, their parents didn't.

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