Chapter 26 HOGSMEAD

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It was almost gimmicky; the article that Hermione held in her hands. The photo of herself and Draco appeared sweet – but almost forced considering how uncomfortable they were under all the attention. "You don't like it" Draco stated staring at Hermione's disgusted face. He had thought they would have gotten used to seeing photos of themselves litter the newspaper pages by now. It was their first photo together, he almost wanted to cut it out and keep it as a memento.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing my face and name plastered on newspapers. Apparently, this is not even something that I don't have to share with the entire wizarding world. What next, they will be asking what to name my child?" she snorted. Draco was a bit taken off guard by her comment – but the thought had not necessarily been out of his mind, considering that he had seen multiple forms of Draco-Hermione offspring from their lifeline travel. Taking a sip of butterbeer he let her continue the ranting of the comments.

"Oh, are you Hermione Granger, pleasure to meet you miss" a young witch approached her. The girl's eyes shone with happiness at the meeting. Draco was shocked to see how the infatuation with the Golden Trio really was, they didn't stand a chance, he thought minding his business.

"Pleasure to meet you as well" she smiled softly before nodding at the girl's mother. The interaction ended with Hermione's face returning to a scowl. "And here this. The couple crosses blood and cultural bridges to show us that love truly knows no bounds. It is no wonder that Ms Granger fell for the handsome Mr Malfoy. I can tell you that there was no falling involved thank you very much." Draco laughed as she looked super displeased with this. Malfoys were a proud yet quiet family. He was taught that his family name was honourable enough, he didn't need to tarnish it – despite being a stupid kid who did otherwise. Hermione was very much similar, it was only because of her friendship with Potter that she rose to fame, otherwise they could both see her slipping behind the cracks of the library, never to be seen again.

"Not this time. But I can recall a few numbers of instances Ms Granger" Draco added to his own amusement. There was definably something satisfying that his handsome face, wit and general awesomeness was un-matched. Willingly or not, he had managed
to secure the brightest witch of their age. Hermione's glare was the icing on the cake, as he knew too well how to push her buttons.
"Oh, look honey, it's the two love birds. We didn't believe it, but I told you didn't I. Herman didn't believe me, did you. How adorable." An elderly couple approached them. Hermione sat up and smiled on cue again. It was generally strange for Draco to be getting positive attention after everything. Somehow, he still felt guilty after everything – and so simply nodded at the passers-by.
"Let's go. There isn't a need for us to still be here" Draco noted, slipping coins on the table. Hermione was glad to follow his suit and – together they faced staring faces as they passed. "The Minister is going to hear about all of this when we get out. Newspaper armed in Draco's hand.


By Rita Skeeter

In a shocking turn of events that has left the wizarding world buzzing with disbelief, two former Hogwarts rivals seem to have found love in the most unexpected places. The once icy animosity between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger appears to have thawed, giving way to a surprising romantic connection that has sent tongues wagging and owls hooting in surprise.
Sources close to the pair report that sparks began to fly during the recent couple's position as Head Girl and Head boy, we shall have to thank the Match-making Head Mistress for her efforts. Witnesses claim that Draco and Hermione have been spotted engaged in a lively conversation that seemed more friendly than feuding. It seems that beneath the surface of their long-standing rivalry, a different kind of chemistry had been brewing.

While details of their courtship remain shrouded in mystery, it appears that the couple has been keeping their budding romance under wraps, perhaps to avoid the prying eyes of the wizarding paparazzi. Rumors suggest that their relationship might have been a slow burn, with shared interests and common goals drawing them together despite their turbulent history.

Astounded members of the magical community have taken to express their opinions on the surprising romance, with fans and sceptics alike weighing in on the newfound connection between the two. It's not lost on many that this revelation challenges the long-standing enmity between Slytherin and Gryffindor houses, proving that love knows no house boundaries. The idea of Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince, and Hermione Granger, the brilliant Muggle-born Gryffindor, finding common ground has captured the imaginations of many who believed such a union to be impossible.

The Daily Prophet reached out to both Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger for comments on their relationship, but as of now, the pair has remained tight-lipped about their newfound love. Perhaps they are relishing the opportunity to keep this surprising romance to themselves, at least for the time being. We were supplied with this photograph taken of the couple attending the Ministry of Magic's conference on Magical studies.
As the wizarding world eagerly awaits further details on this unexpected union, one thing is for certain: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger have succeeded in casting a spell over the public's curiosity, leaving us all enchanted and eager for more details on this magical romance. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to follow this spellbinding story!

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