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MEDERA walked into the room frantically holding pages of parchments, her hair was exceptionally messy and her eyes bright with excitement. "We cannot be sure entirely, but considering how many lifelines you have – I would say we did it" Hermione didn't quite realize how she should be feeling about this news. It was certainly an exciting prospect to have de-railed a literal war – but their methods seemed un-honourable to stand on the table and exclaim that all she needed to do was fall in love to win a war.

Considering the side glance Draco gave her, she was glad to see that she wasn't the only confused individual. "Um," he cleared his throat, before folding his arms on his lap "what is next?" he asked calmly. Hermione brought her focus back onto the Minister of Magic.

"Well, your job here is – per-say: done" the Minister added. It was the most anti- climactic battle either of them had ever won. They sealed their understanding with tentative nods.

"Well Minster, not exactly. It is imperative that as little people know about timelines as possible – to withhold the integrity of the system." Hermione leaned forward to stare at the woman. Medera was not explaining anything – and the many questions swarming her head, drove her crazy.

"You are going to erase his memory" Draco stated with a considered gaze. Hermione watched confusion swipe over the Minister's face. Medera couldn't wipe their memories otherwise they would forget everything they worked so hard to remember. It withheld how important it was for her to be tight lipped with Harry and Ron about things. The couple left Madeira to complete the task as they walked into the cold entryway of the Ministry of Magic. "We can't tell anyone. We have to lie. Live our lives under the false pretence that you and I were just stupid enough to fall in love despite everything" his voice sounded say. Draco didn't necessarily have anyone to lie to. He never gave his friends an explanation for anything he did. He would be dammed to start now. Hermione on the other hand was extremely close to a lot of people.

"We are fortunate that we have faced a lot of shit then. A small lie doesn't change much. Harry, Ron and Ginny will just have to trust me – just as they have done. One day they will see, and it will make sense. We won't be lying or pretending about anything."

Draco nodded again and pulled at his left sleeve. Hermione had noticed that he did it whenever he was feeling nervous. "If you want something more substantial – my parents would like to meet you. They get the Daily Telegraph and saw the article." They both knew that Draco Malfoy never met girlfriends' parents, or indeed had a girlfriend. This was new territory for them both. Hermione exhaled and added "At least they will stop trying to pair me with James McDonald from down the street". Hermione's lip curled at the thought of it. In the most realistic of sense, they had not been together very long, and the feeling dawned on him in that moment.

"I suppose I don't have a choice, do I?" he asked.

"I can make an excuse. I am not going to make you do something you don't want to do, you are a grown man after all" with a shrug, she took the opportunity to leave the ministry first and waited patiently for Draco on the busy London Road. Hermione always loved their little snippets of muggle life.

"I will go. On the condition that we go home now, I don't know how much more strange glances and gushing I can take" he added. It was astonishing how
comfortable they had become with each other. "Also. What is wrong with James McDonald?" Draco asked.

"Have you seen James McDonald?" Hermione asked shaking her head in disbelief.

Walking through Hogwarts was now a new mission all together, all the hushed whispers and gasps at any interaction between the Gryffindor Princess and Slytherin Prince, as the Daily Prophet had named them.

"She probably slept with him in the prefect's bathroom. Talk about an abuse of power" Hermione had overheard in the hallway. It was typical that the slut-shaming had started immediately with their anecumene. Hermione wasn't sure if she should be shocked or disappointed. Even in her hideaways she heard the rumours circulating.

"Wasn't she also with Krum, how does she get them all?" one voice pipped in. Gladly as she sat enjoying her morning paper it was Ginny who yelled at the girl to mind her manners and take back her comment. The whole Great Hall had descended into silence. Draco had kept his eye trained on Hermione the whole interaction, watching her cheeky smile at her friends and her glance at himself. She had the situation handled.

"Granger, would you care to join me?" a voice asked from across the table – she smiled and nodded before standing up and bidding her friends goodbye. Draco lazily slung his arm around her shoulder as they reunited at the door of the great hall. "You are strong for putting up with this bullshit" he stated as they walked out.

"I have put up with a lot of it. I am used to it. Besides, they are just jealous" she shrugged with a playful shrug she popped his arm off her shoulders and started skipping away happily. When she slowed down, her cheeks were bright with life and her eyes bright with happiness. "We have been awarded the most 'it couple' in the wizarding world." She showed him the newspaper which he took from her hands.


By Rita Skeeter

In a twist that has enchanted the wizarding world, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have emerged as the newest "it couple," stealing the spotlight from the long- reigning duo of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. The unexpected pairing has set tongues wagging in magical circles, with the Daily Prophet buzzing about the seemingly implausible romance. Sources close to the couple reveal that sparks began to fly during a recent Ministry of Magic event, where the former adversaries were spotted engaged in lively conversation. As the dynamic duo of Potter and Weasley gracefully steps back from the limelight, it appears that the enchanting chemistry between Hermione and Draco has taken the wizarding world by storm, proving that love truly knows no bounds in the ever-magical realm.

"I wonder what my parents are thinking about this" he stated grimly. Hermione approached him and wrapped her arms around him again.

"Hey, we are in this together. We will figure it out, okay?" she stated.

"I am not bringing you down with more of my shit. I have done too much" the words slipped out of his lips before he could stop himself. "Excuse me." He stated stepping away. Hermione watched him retreat with a sad heart. She did her best to maintain her smile in classes, especially the ones they had together. Potions class went by exceedingly slowly, and Hermione did her best to focus on the ingredients and steps. For the first time she was grateful for the class coming to an end. Draco was quick to join his friends out of the room – Hermione attempted to follow her own.

She felt like she had given him so much, put so much trust into him that they would be figuring this out together. Now she had to prove everyone wrong about him, that they were stronger than ever, and that there were no issues. Hermione held Pride and Prejudice in her hands as she settled in front of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room. She hadn't realized that she was looking for comfort in the book – her mind was drifting to her own lifelines, of corsets and petticoats, of simple romances and balls. Perhaps that was why she enjoyed reading and learning about new worlds, because of the many stories she carried with her. Her thoughts were interrupted by an owl at the window. "Ms Hermione Granger" a first year stated, after reading the envelope. She stood and took the paper from his hand. With the room's attention, she raced up to her room to read it in privacy. The envelope had the ministry's seal and so she knew the confidentiality of the information within.

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