Chapter Eleven: FireFlash!

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Kayo, Luna and Willow sat on the commercial plane made by Brains named FireFlash. Luna and Willow had been shopping with Lady Penelope and now they were on their way to Tracy Island. However, Kayo had to fly commercial for two reasons. One, Brains was upgrading Thunderbird Shadow. Two, Thunderbird Shadow wouldn't hold all three of them. Kayo gets annoyed when a guy flirts with her. Her comms beeps signaling a call from someone and she politely tells the guy to shut up before she turns to take the call.

"Kayo here. Hello, Scott." Kayo announces.

"Daddy!" Luna exclaims.

"Hi Mommy!" Willow exclaims.

"How's it feel traveling home with the general public?" Scott asks.

"I wish Brains would hurry up and finish his upgrades to Thunderbird S." Kayo explains.

"Well, at least you'll be able to check out his upgrade to FireFlash while you're on it." Scott replies. Bernard burps and then excuses himself.

"I can hardly wait." Kayo states with an eye roll.

"But uh... don't be in such a rush." Scott says, "Grandma Tracy baked you a cake." Kayo raises an eyebrow as she looked disgusted.

"Yuckie." Willow explains.

"Her cakes aren't bad." Luna replies.

"They're so good." Phoebe explains.

"I think this pregnancy is messing with your taste buds." Scott replies.

"Nah, he's a Tracy. Already has an iron stomach." Phoebe explains. Scott raises an eyebrow. Kayo clicks off. FireFlash takes off with ease and Kayo sits back and ignores the guy. Kayo rolls her eyes and sighs in annoyance.

[Thunderbird Five - Thirty Minutes Later]

London Control Tower loses sight of FireFlash after it leaves eyesight. John is shown floating inside Thunderbird Five listening to everything and he catches the alert from London Control Tower.

"We've lost FireFlash." A female voice calls out.

"London Control, this is International Rescue. I picked up your alert about FireFlash. Please confirm." John calls out.

"International Rescue. Yes, it's vanished... into thin air." The female announces.

"Satellite imaging confirms no wreckage, so they haven't crashed." John explains, "Don't worry, we'll find it." He hits the button for Tracy Island.

[Tracy Island]

Scott was feeling the baby boy kick. Virgil and Alan were next in line to feel their nephew kick. Phoebe was eating a snack that rested on her tummy. John appears in hologram form. Everyone looks up as there's a beeping sound.

"Guys, it's John." John says, "We might have a situation."

"What kind of situation?" Alan asks.

"Kayo and the girls' plane has gone missing." John announces and Phoebe gasps in shock, sitting up.

"What do you mean? I just spoke to them." Scott explains.

"I'll try Kayo's communicator." John explains.

[Meanwhile - FireFlash]

"Kayo, I have to potty." Luna explains.

"Alright, hurry and go." Kayo explains and Luna gets up and heads towards the potty.

"So, then, Miss..." The guy says.

"Kyrano." Kayo says thoroughly annoyed.

"Kyrano? You probably don't know this but, uh, from what I hear, this new hypersonic engine..." The guy says, and Kayo pays attention to the changing of the direction shown by the sunlight, "is a real game changer."

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