Kitori's First Revelation

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Vicenoc stepped in front of one of the attackers and said, I'm going to let you on a legend that is more than true... 

The invader's gulped and says, we are listening... 

Vicenoc begins with, you will know me as Naga Minoa from this point forward, as my mother named me otherwise... I have made a pact with someone more powerful, someone who could easily overpower her. My mother, the immortal dragon, her name was... Fafnir.

She would not stand no chance against him no matter how hard she fights. And this person that I speak of is none other than, my master... Kitori Minoa... And you will remember me as, Naga Minoa... She slowly reached down to her hip and lifts her shirt, revealing a scar and asks, you see this? He did this with a single pebble thrown by his own hand, it went clean through the other side... 

The attackers chin was lifted up by one of Naga's fingers and she said, this my territory, you attacked therefore, I can retaliate. A claw extended through his throat and blood splattered on the ground as she asked, who's Next?

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