Joshie: Meet Darious

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*Alarms started going off*


Demon: *he spits his coffee as he later grabs a gun and runs down to hunt down the elevator*


Demon: We need to protect the secret plans!!!

Demon 2: Hey!!! Help me!!!

Demon: Stand back!!! 555 uhhhh 3. No it didn't work.

Demon 2: GRRR FINE!!! *he gets a dynamite out and blows up the door*

*the two demons charged in until they spotted the briefcase*

Demon 2: Oh hey it's still here! *he smiles*

Demon 3: Ahem.

*the two demons look to see the third Demon carrying a body on his shoulder*

Demon 3: what the hell are you doing?!

Demon 2: uhhh well... an alarm was set off and we thought the plans were stolen but... we see them right here...

Demon 3: I see. Is The briefcase safe?

Demon: Safe, yeah

Demon 2: I mean yeah...

Demon: Good, now tell me, did anyone happen to find an imposter by the name of Darious Galakis.

*both demons look at each other and nod in a negative way*

Demon 3: No? Then we still have a problem. *then puts the dead body down as it's shown* and A dagger.

Demon 2: oooh yeah... big problem. *he picks the dagger out* Very serious, So I guess one of Hell's greatest gangsters is trespassing deep inside our base. Ow! *got hit by the blade* no offense...

Demon 3: If you manage to kill him, I assure you, they are nothing like me. And nothing. Nothing like the Man loose inside this building.

Demon 2: *he grins* What are you, Admin of his Server?

*the other demons laughed a bit*

Demon 3: No. That would be your Brother. *he then shows pictures of Darious and the Brother making out*

Demon 2: WHAT THE?!! Wha?!...

Demon 3: indeed, and now he's here to FUCK US!!! So listen up, kid, or Gay porn pics starring your big brother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today.

*Demon 2 looks skeptical as he grabs some photos, while the other demons find it amusing but demon 2 swiped them away*

Demon 2: GIMME THAT!!!

Demon 3: I have encountered this man, before. He was once part of the Greek Mafia.

*then shows a memory where a bunch of Imps protect a crate of spices but then the Greek mafia suddenly break in and rob the spices including Darious , and then they managed to outrun the police cars*

Demon 3: you've seen what he has done to many of our workers.

*then shows Darious breaking into a Blue hound prison killing some more imps using stealth and freeing the blue hounds and killed the Warden of the place*

Demon 3: and worst of all, he's become a smuggler infiltrating our own plans. Including with other gangsters.

*The Greek mafia can be seen Breaking into Crimson's secret places as they're there to teach the Crimoson's mafia some lessons for stealing their drugs*

*the shark gangsters were scared as the dolphin mobsters shot them down as Darious watches*

Demon 3: He would even be hiding in this very room, he's got friends who you don't even know, He could be hiding there, over there, he could even be- *but then the first demon shot him because they think he's working for Darious for some reason*

Demon 2: Woah HEY!!! Alright, was that even necessary?

Demon: What? It's clearly obvious, he did say he's got friends who spy as well, so I'm guessing this turncoat could obviously be one right now. *he starts checking the pockets* hmmm See look. *he gets out some money* Spy gadgets.

Demon 2: *looks at him in a grumpy way* That's his change...

Demon: it is? Oh... I should've known.

*but then a black shadow with yellow eyes can be seen coming down from the wall and quietly grabs his gun out as they talk*

Demon: ah well, let's go find this Galakis guy. *he gets shot from behind*

Demon 2: *he looks as he looks behind but the shadow grabs him by the collar and punches him two times making Demon 2 bleed and fall unconscious*

*the shadow reveals to be Darious Galakis as he soon grabs the plans*

Darious: A man cannot have honor for what he has to steal, it's only a job he has to do. *he starts to call Joshie via phone* Alright Joshie I've got the plans, get the car ready. *he walks out as he soon broke the window and gets out his Grapplehook gun and swings over to the Car Joshie's in as the sirens go out again*

Darious: *he landed perfectly on the car* Start the Engine, I've got the plans.

Joshie: *he starts the car up as he drives the car out of the scene as he speeds down the street*

the end

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