Joshie: The Final Order (Finale)

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Previously on Joshie's Adventures

*Shows some scenes from The War of Daggonese Independence, And then shows Joshie on some missions, and finally showing Joshie getting fired from IMP and Otto carries him to escape from the ICC as they head straight for Darious' apartment but instead it's seen burning down as Darious just got arrested and taken away, Otto and Joshie can be seen shocked and horrified as they're both speechless and then that's the end of the flashbacks*

*The scene starts off with IMP city now under the heel of the ICC or as it's now known as the Eternal Empire, imps are seen being forced to put up propaganda posters and and some of the imps who resist got shot or arrested*

Speakers: Attention!!! Orders under General Schmidt have announced, The Blue hound and then rest of the enemies of the Empire are still at large!!! anyone who leaves their residence is in violation of Imperial Law!!! Those who dare help them will be shot or tortured!!! That's it. *Schmidt can be seen using the speakers as he's in the Town hall of Imp city controlling the newly made Military Coup, he turns off the microphone as he finished his speech*

*Stolas storms in as he's crossed*

Stolas: SCHMIDT?!! You have ruined this city far enough!!! What are you planning on doing with all these people?!

Schmidt: That is none of your business, your highness.

Stolas: The ICC has gone too far with its boundaries!!! You have repressed the people and got rid of their rights!!!

Schmidt: This city has been weak during your reign. These people are undisciplined and most importantly, Stupid. They know nothing of true rule. It's not like you made your time any better.

Stolas: I doubt the overlords or even Lucifer will find whatever you're doing LEGAL!!!

Schmidt: We are well under the Overlord's noses and snouts. Fortunately, they are not under ours.

Stolas: What? You don't even have noses!!!

Schmidt: I'm really sorry, your highness but you've wasted your breath. Seize him!!!

*militia soldiers aim their rifles at Stolas but he unleashed his demon form and killed some soldiers but unfortunately, Schmidt gets out an exterminator gun and shoots it at Stolas' chest but not the heart area though*

*he lets out a roar as he starts to feel weak and fell to the ground*

Schmidt: Keep him in chains!!! But heal him! We want him alive!

*the militia do so as they keep Stolas in chains and carry him*

Stolas: Let go!!! I SAY LET GO!!! You think you can get away with this and the overlords won't notice?! This is just the beginning!!!

Schmidt: You're right. It is. The blue hound and his friends are still out there, and it's only a matter of time before we have them.

*The militia would kindly carry Stolas to the dungeon where they would eventually heal him and take that bullet off him (don't worry he stays alive and he's fine, he's just their prisoner)*

*a soldier walks in*

Soldier: Sir, We have Darious Galakis. We're sending him to the Greed ring for a public execution.

Schmidt: Good, I must go pay a visit to this Imp. *he walks outside* Get my car ready.

Soldier: *he saluted and marches out to get his ride ready*

*then shows the title*

Joshie: The Final Order

*Then shows the entire apartment burning to the ground as Joshie and Otto can be seen*

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