Joshie: Singing Victim

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*the episode starts with a female hound named Sarey Jane running in the alleyway while getting chased by some Imp assassins after they got caught in a bank heist*

Sarey: *she looks around and hides away as the imp assassins ignored her and kept running* Phew... *she walks down the hallway trying to find a way out, she gets out her phone out and starts calling her friends as she whispers* Marie? Where are you at? I'm in the alley way!

Marie: *on the phone* Sarey, is that you? What the fuck happened? I heard a loud boom and then gunshots fired!!!

Sarey: Ugh, some creeps and bandits are after me. I gotta get the fuck out of this place. Make it fast! Those imps could find me!

Marie: Heading to you right now! Don't worry. *her car drove in showing her and Sophia* Come on!

Sarey: Wow, that was quick. *she ran into the car, and then some imps appear behind them and start shooting* AHHH DRIVE!!! GO NOW!!!

*Marie steps on it and the car goes speeding*

Imp: AFTER THEM!!! *they all got in their cars and started chasing after the girls*

Sophia: *looks into the car mirror and spots three imp cars heading straight towards them* UH OH!!! Sarey!!! They're catching up!!!

Sarey: *she looks behind as the imps start firing at them and she and the other dodge the bullets* HOLY SHIT!!!

Sophia: DON'T JUST SIT THERE!!! Shoot them back, DAMN IT!!!

Sarey: *she then grabs a gun and starts shooting back at the imps*

Imps: LOOK OUT!!! *some of them get shot*

Marie: WATCH THE PAINT JOB DUMBASS!!!! *she turned to the left*

Imps: AHHHH!!! *they turned to the left but accidently ran through a coffee shop, but still was able to keep driving and firing at Sarey*

Imp: *gets an rpg out* I got this!!! *he starts aiming as he chuckles* alright, puppy, you're mine. *he fires at Sareys car but missed next to them and blew up a building nearby* Hold still!!!

*Sarey aimed at the imp driver and shot him*

Imp: AUGH!!! *he dropped his head on the wheel as the car burns tires and spins around and then crashed*

*the two other cars drive by them and continue the chase*

*one truck drove by Marie's car and starts spraying bullets with a turret with an imp laughing on the truck*

*Sophia then grabs a rifle and starts shooting at the imp on the turret*

Imp: *he missed* Oh Lucifer, You suck at aiming!!! Hahahahaha- *he got shot in the head by Sophia as he fell off*

Sophia: *she smiles* Think again, Imp!!! Haha!

Imp Leader: Ugh You morons are useless!!! *he points his gun at Marie's tires and started to fire on them*

Marie: *her car tires becam9oe flattened as the car starts driving on it's rims and slowly losing control* SHIT, I CAN'T FUCKING STEER!!! HOLD ON!!! *everyone holds on until they all crashed onto a wall in front of a building*

*the two imp cars stopped in front as they all got out and aimed their guns at the broken down car*

Imp Leader: Alright, Bitch!!! Hands up!!! Your career has now ended.

Sarey: *she got a little injured as she then got up and tries to stand up as she grunts a little and saw the imps aiming at her* Ah Jeez. Alright, Wagneir (the imp's name), what do you want from me this time? I paid you enough off my back! What else do you want?!

Joshie Season 1Where stories live. Discover now