Second try

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Authors note: I couldn't be bothered writing the boring stuff with being stuck in the med-jacks hut so I spared you and me the boredom also there are a few POV switches, ENJOY!

~Time skip~
~three weeks ~
Your pov:

"Good to see you y/n" Minho says while hugging you as you enter the homestead "good to see you too Minho" you say laughing.

"The legs looking good" Thomas says smiling "yeah it feels great too and no limp surprisingly" you say while sitting down with your tray "I can't wait to get back to running" you continue then you start eating your strawberry and chocolate pancakes.

"Can't wait to run with you" Minho says nudging you slightly with his shoulder "did you miss me since you had to run with Ben" you laugh, Ben shoot you a look before Minho bursts out laughing with you.

"Sorry Ben but your no fun your so serious all the time y/n brightens the mood" Minho says once he stoped laughing, "I'm mean your not lying Minho it's boring running with Ben maybe we should change partners every so Often" Thomas suggests.

"No way in hell am I running with Ben, he'd kill my mood and then I'd be boring and we can't have that, no offence Ben" you say tring to be polite after coming off a bit to harsh at the start.

"None taken" Ben said clearly offended, "okay well let's go I want to be out sharp so we can get back quicker" Minho says to you, "jeez what's your rush" you say standing up and giving your tray over to fry.

"Nothing just want to get back quick as we can and don't get trapped since we are running a bigger part of the maze today" he says handing his tray over as well.

"You sure it's a good idea to run a big part of the maze with me, it's my first day back running since the injury" you say worried that you and Minho would be trapped for the night if your ankle got damaged again.

"I'll look to see if Ben and Thomas are on a shorter part and ask them to swap if you'd like" Minho says.

"Please if that's okay I just don't want to be out in the maze at night" you say smiling trying not to think about the monsters in the maze.

Once you arrived in the map room you noticed that Ben and Thomas were on one of the shortest runs "Thomas and Ben are on the shorter run do you think they would mind" you say, "well I'm the keeper and they don't have a choice" Minho laughs.

"I'll meet you at the door, I'm going to run over and tell Thomas and Ben" Minho says running out, your grab your small pack and grab a spear to assist your hidden knife.

Then you lightly jogged over to the doors and your ankle wasn't hurting which was a good sign.

Minho hogged up to you with his pack and an apple and a sandwich in his hand, "got you lunch since you forgot again" he said handing it to you and rolling his eyes.

"Well not my fault you rushed me out" you say while stuffing it into your bag, "well sorry I guess" he says then you both laugh.

Thomas and Ben met you at the door just before it opened you and Minho turned one way and Thomas and Ben the other.

About half way through the run you got minor pains in your ankle and you decided to take lunch now and Minho agreed since it was a good stopping place.

You didn't tell him your ankle was hurting cause you knew he would over react and rush you back so you just kept quiet about it.

"So you and newt? Huh" Minho said curious, "umm, kinda yeah" you say feeling a bit uneasy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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