Meeting my aunt and cousin

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I was still in bed when the door to my room opened. I felt a hand touch my hair.

"Hello Sander."

I turned to my mother. She grabbed the duvet and dragged it off of me. "Hey, stop!"

"You have to get up now; we're leaving in a few hours!"

"Oh yes, go away." I became irritated as I thought about what I was being punished for. Imagine being punished simply because you were cheeky at a party. Is this that bad? Maybe it was silly to be drunk and flirt with the daughter of my father's boss, but I was penalized for not being alone when my father was abroad. I got up and dressed. Downstairs, my parents awaited me for breakfast.

"Hey, Junior! You finally got up! Make sure you have some breakfast; we are leaving soon."

I went to make myself some breakfast and sat down with them.

"I see you're still annoyed by your punishment, Sander. But, after your little stunt at the party you attended, which caused some friction with my boss, I expect you to understand. Since we're in difficulty, your buddies will be urging you to do more nonsense, therefore you'll be living with your aunt Heidi."

Mom smiled before she spoke.

"Yes, you'll have a wonderful time with Aunt Heidi. From what I've heard, your cousin Hanna will also be present. Imagine how cozy it will be. Hanna is a little older than you, but do you remember how fun it was to play with her before? You used to play house together. So sweet! I believe you had a small crush on her."

Oh my god, Hanna! Will she also join us? Yes, I had a small crush on her. We always played house together, but I was only about seven years old at the time. She wasn't especially friendly to me, but she was incredibly attractive! She always made me dress frilly and other such things. "No, Mom. Please. I promise not to have any house parties."

"No, we don't trust you; it's happened too many times in the past, and that's final."

My mother was a little furious. The way she stated it made me feel uneasy, even afraid. Then Mom simply grinned. I was still shivering just thinking about this excursion.

"Hello! Earth is calling Sander! I'm trying to get in touch with you."

"Oh yes, what is it, mom?"

"After you've finished eating, go to your room and pack a baggage. Remember to pack wisely because you'll be gone for three weeks.

After quite a while of packing, my mother came into my room and asked if I was ready. "Yes, I am."

We got in the car and started driving to Aunt Heidi's. After a long drive, we arrived at her home. She was already outside packing baggage into her car.

When we came out, I saw Heidi clearly. She approached me and was about to offer me a hug. I was paralyzed because she was surprisingly attractive for a woman in her late forties. She was neither slender nor overweight; she wore trousers and a blouse. I thought she was in good form, but I couldn't put it into words. Her breasts had a wonderful curve, and the blouse had a great neckline. The bra she was wearing resulted in the most stunning breasts. I felt tingling in my body. Maybe this will be an enjoyable excursion.

"Hello, Sander. It's great to see you again; it has been a long time. You've turned into a tiny sweet boy, I see!"

Heidi just gave me a somewhat mischievous look. I couldn't respond; I was stunned, but suddenly my mother grabbed my arm.

"But Sander, don't you say hello?"

Mom murmured, "Hi Heidi," and hugged her sister tightly. They stood and talked for quite a while. Dad, furious, honked from his car.

Sander on a summer vacation حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن