Act 6: Safe in the DEAD

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You are on the roof of a building, spray painting a mural on a billboard. After you finished, you looks at the mural of Saya and her parents.

Saya: "You made that for me?"

"I figured it was okay to do since even though we wanted to have our independence back, they looked after us before that. And I thought it'd be nice to make sure they're not forgotten."

Saya: "You're right about that. I can't believe they're gone for real."

"My parents are gone too. Or at least, I'm not wrong to assume that possibility."

Saya: "Why don't we head back? It's going to be dark in a few hours."

You nodded and got down from the rooftop to walk back with Saya. You went through a path built through the buildings to make it easier to travel.

After a few minutes, you saw a fortified apartment complex where most people are residing on the upper floors.

Saya: "We're here."

You knocked on a door, and a guard opened a peephole to look at you.

Guard: "Come in."

After the guard opened the door, you and Saya entered a room that has been converted into a security checkpoint.

"Yeah, the people that fled here barricaded the lower parts of the buildings and started to live in the upper levels," you thought. "They also constructed those paths across other buildings to make it easier to move."

You and Saya went to the room where your friends are staying.

Takashi: "Where were you two?"

"Making murals before Saya came to drag me back. So, you know, the usual."

Rei: "You guys find out anything that's happening in the city?"

Saya: "I saw that "They" are gathering in the west part of the city. It's going to be impossible to get into there, but the other parts of the city should be clearer now to scavenge what we can."

Saeko: "Well, we should gather whatever we can in case we plan to go somewhere else."

Kohta: "Again? Can we just spend a few weeks here? We hardly find a place to stay."

"In this world, it might be safer to just keep moving."

Saya: "I agree with the dummy here. We never know what might happen."

Kohta groaned.

Kohta: "I guess that's fair."

You then went up to the roof and looked at the city, which felt quieter now. Saya walked next to you and sat down beside you.

Saya: "It's so quiet now. It's almost hard to believe there's an apocalypse going on."

"You took the words right out of my mouth."

Saya: "Y/N, do you enjoy this apocalypse? I mean, I know it's nice to not have to deal with classes, homework, and having to get a job, but still."

"I do enjoy it. I love the freedom that I have along with you guys. This whole thing is a reason to truly like it's your last day. But to be honest, I might be insane. I mean, I do miss my parents, but I don't think much about it and focus on my art. So, like everything, even freedom comes with a cost."

Saya: "Yeah. I couldn't have said it better myself. Come on, let's go eat before the good food gets taken."

You nodded and walked with Saya to get food.

Love Among the Dead (Saya Takagi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now