Let Me Help You- Leah Williamson x Reader

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Running late for work was your usual. You always set your alarm on time, got out the shower on time, even dressed on time. But from the minute you leave the house to the moment you get to work time seems to vanish. As you pull up to your favourite coffee shop 4 minutes from your office a huge smile crosses your face. COFFEE. Your one true love.

Skipping towards the open door you look down at your watch to realise you're already 5 minutes late. Who cares. As you go to look back up you feel a boiling hot beverage cover your body. "SHITTT." You yelp out in pain as you jump around in shock.

"I ... I .... I'm so sorry, I.... I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you hurt?" A soft shy voice pulls you out of the current jumpy state you were in. As you were about to talk you look up to meet the blue orbs of a pretty stranger. Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. You feel yourself in an intense gaze which felt like a magnetic pull, drawing you in and captivating your attention in a way that suddenly silences your thoughts. It's as if time just stands still. The harder you look into the deep soulful blue of their eyes the more brings a sense of mystery almost leaving you feeling vulnerable but captivated by the intensity of the connection. Suddenly the burning sensation snaps you out of your trance. "FUCK." You shout Removing your shirt leaving you in your dark blue Nike crop top and your office black trousers. Discarding it to the side of the door, You quickly excuse yourself making your way to the bathroom to access the damage.

Once inside, you slowly but carefully peel the top of your scolding hot trousers down your hips to your bikini line. Just as you begin to dab at the exposed skin with some tissue the door creeks open. Looking up in the mirror you see the same girl you bumped into stood there clutching at a pile of damp cloths with genuine look of concern spreading across her face.

"Here." She says walking towards you. "Let me help you."

As she gently patted away at your burning skin trying to cool you down, her touch was surprisingly gentle and oddly comforting. There was an unexpected warmth in the way she tended to the situation. As your eyes meet in the mirror you could feel a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips.

Once cleaned up you stand there staring. "Thankyou." You whisper breaking the silence.

She lets out a little giggle. "You don't need to thank me. I need to apologise I'm really sorry if I hurt you. Maybe I can buy you coffee some time as an apology." She states holding her hands on her hips. A smirk covers your face. "You don't even know my name and you want to take me out on a date." You wink feeling very confident. Once again the girls cheeks flush red. "Ermm I... I-"

You cut her off. "I'm only messing, it's y/n by the way,and yours???"

"Leah." She smiles holding her hand out for you to shake which you gladly take.

"And yes I would love to grab coffee with you some time ... " you say flashing a small smile.

"Then it's a date. How about tomorrow 10am? Here. But I promise no hot drink spillages." She giggles twisting the rings on her finger.

"Sounds like a date."


A/N - thought I'd give this a go to build my writing skills. Not the best but the more I write the better they will get hopefully xxx

WOSO one shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora