Mamma (part 3) - Katie McCabe x Caitlin Foord x y/n

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^follow on from above

⚠️⚠️Tw- abuse mention ⚠️⚠️


It's the night before international break. You and your mums were sat at the dinning table ready to eat dinner.

"Y/n, tuck in baby girl, your dinner is going to go cold." Katie says running her hand through your hair. Instantly you shake your head tears spilling out of your eyes. Katie quickly pulls you onto her lap resting your head against her chest. "Baby girl, we need to take some deep breaths ok. You're going to get yourself worked up." Your mamma says still stroking through your dark brown locks. Nuzzling your head into Katie's neck you start to play with the strings on her hoodie to distract yourself.

"Little one how about we go sit on the sofa and watch a movie, me you and mamma." Caitlin says picking up the plates and wrapping them in tin foil for later. You nod your head into Katie's shoulder.


During the movie Katie pulls you closer. "I know you're struggling baby and there's no pressure only when your ready, but please can you try and communicate with me and your mum. We want to help you. But we can't if you don't talk to us babe." You start rapidly shaking your head. You can't talk to them, what if they beat you like your mum did. What if they punish you for saying the wrong thing. Y/n don't speak to them.

There's a knock at the door. You sigh In relief. Your mum quickly races over so the person behind the door isn't waiting. You rest your head into your mammas neck again.

"Hey bub." Leah states walking towards the sofa. "I've poped over because I was shopping and I found the coolest toys ever. Look." This causes you to whip your head around. You send her a questioning look confused as she holds up 4 white balls with the words 'mini brands' and 'Disney' displayed on the front. Leah passes one over to you whilst she sits down. You move your self out of your mammas arms and sit on Leah lap. "Shall we open the first one together?" You nod quickly eager to see what's inside. Leah sets the other three aside before helping you take the plastic off the ball. You hold it up. It's split into 5 sections all covered by a coloured film.

"Leah what the fuck is that suppose to be." Your mamma says chuckling to herself.

"Hey, I'll have you know these are all over my tik tok and are collectables. I'll get you a stand to put them on Bub if you'd like." You nod your head giving Leah a huge hug. As Leah opens the first compartment you get a tiny Cinderella. Before leah can pass it over Katie snatches it off her.

"So you get 5 of these mini things? How much did that cost you?" Katie laughs which earns a punch to the shoulder from Caitlin.

"£6.99 for one ball." Leah reply's sheepishly knowing Katie and caitlin are now going to have to spend lots of money helping you collect them all.

"£6.99" Caitlin exclaims. The shock taking over her face. This causes you to giggle.

"You're funny mummy." You say before quickly covering your mouth and hiding your face into Leah's chest. You didn't mean to speak it just slipped out. Your body starts to shake from panic. She won't punish you will she.

"Hey hey, Bub your ok." Leah says just above a whisper rubbing her hand up and down your arm.


"You're funny mummy." Y/n says in the cutest voice in the world making your heart melt before slapping her hand over her mouth and hiding in your chest. You send Katie a confused face. Which her and Caitlin instantly send back.

"Hey hey, Bub your ok." You say into y/n ear whilst rubbing your hand up and down her arm. Straight away she starts shaking her head.

"No, no, no. Please don't." She starts to whisper.

"Please don't what sweetie? Your ok. Your safe. I've got you." You whisper back. With that y/n melts into your touch grabbing your hand and twisting the rings on your finger.



Your stood at the door with y/n and two suitcases and two hand luggage. Glancing back you see Caitlin putting her shoes on to say goodbye before your taxi picks you up for the airport. Caitlin's not due to leave for another 3 hours.

"MUMMY." Y/n screeches dropping your hand and running up to Caitlin. Since yesterday y/n hasn't spoken a words.

"Hey my sweet girl. I'll see you soon ok. I'm going to miss you so much, but remember you'll see me soon. Only 8 sleeps ok princess." Y/n nods her head gripping onto Caitlin's jumper.

"Mummy." She repeats.

"I know baby girl. Your going to have so much fun in Ireland with mamma. You'll get to see mammas sisters and brother and you'll see your nanna." Caitlin says trying to hype y/n up which isn't working, the sobs only getting louder. You quickly jump in the hug holding both of your girls close.

"I'm going to miss you babe. I love you." You say to Caitlin taking her in for a soft sweet kiss on the lips.

"Take care of our baby girl mamma." Caitlin says with a wink. "Make sure you FaceTime me when you get to the airport." With that the horn from the taxi sounds.

Caitlin takes y/n outside towards the taxi dragging one of the cases behind her while you grab the rest. Once everything is loaded into the car you give Caitlin one last kiss before taking y/n in your arms.

"Mummy I love you."

A/N - anyone want a part 4????? Not proof read !!! Thoughts 💭

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