Nano what ? - Lucy Bronze x y/n

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You and y/n (your partners 14 year old daughter) were both jamming to the music on the way the Starbucks when she suddenly turned the music down "That was such a banger kiddo." You say huffing.

"Did you know it's illegal to feed pigeons on the sidewalks and streets of San Francisco?" She blurts out while looking out the window.

You look at her in shock, that was so random. You can't help but giggle to yourself. "I didn't know that kid, where did you learn that." You question intrigued to know where she got that from.

She shrugs," just common knowledge, read it on the internet one day." She says grabbing your phone to put on a song.

Just as you were pulling up to star bucks she turns the music off. "Did you know scientists once gave mice superhero-like night vision using nanoparticles?" She says looking at you with a huge smile.

"Nano what ? Kid how do you know that?" You chuckle, bloody hell this kid loves facts.

"Nanoparticles! While being tested in a lab a few lucky mice were granted the ability to see perfectly in the dark when scientists utilized nanoparticles that convert infrared light to visible lig-" she was cut off by the Starbucks machine.

"Welcome to Starbucks my names maya, how could I help you today."

"Can I have a hot chocolate Lucy, a big one." She giggles jumping up and down in her seat.

"Can I have a large hot chocolate please." You repeat.

"Anything else for you?"

"Oooo ooo ooo can I have a ham and cheese toastie I'm so hungry." Y/n states rubbing her belly.

"Kiddo you literally just ate like 20 minutes ago." You reply shaking your head.

"But please Lucy pretty please I really want one." She begs undoing her seatbelt and getting on her knees.

"Can I get a ham and cheese toastie to go with that, and an expresso shot."

"Anything else for you??"

"Ooo I know can I please have that cake that's there." She asks pointing to the huge advertising board.

"Do you even know what the flavour is y/n??? You sure you want that?"

"Please Lucy please, I'll pay you back I promise please." She sends you puppy dog eyes you just can't say no too.

"Yes one last thing please could I get that cake that's on the board outside."

"It's coffee and hazelnut chocolate is that ok." The young lady asks.

You notice y/n shaking her head. You sigh, god kids really can't make up their minds these days. "Actually scrap that, that's everything Thankyou."

"If you drive around to the window we will get your order sorted."

With that you start to drive. As your driving y/n reaches over and grabs your hand. She still has no seatbelt on. "Kid sit down, the cars moving you need your seat belt on."

She slowly lowers her self into the seat doing up her belt. "Lucy."

"Yes sweetie."

"Can I have that ring that's on your finger. The one of your left hand but the pinky one." You take it off and hand it to her.

"You can keep it if you like." You notice a hug grin on her face. "Really." You nod. "Thankyou Lucy, Thankyou so much." You see she's put it on her hand and twirling it around. "Lucy."

"Yes sweetie."

"Did you know a Brazilian man was killed in bed when a cow fell through the roof and landed on him?" She says laughing her head off. You can't help but laugh with her. She's hilarious.

"I didn't, that was very random kiddo. Why was there a cow on the roof.?" You ask curious now to how it got there in the first place.

"Well you see in 2013 a dude called Joao Maria de Souza was taking a nap in bed when a cow that had been eating grass on a hill behind his house walked onto the asbestos roof and fell through landing on the poor man they took him hospital and he died." Just as she says this you pull up to the Starbucks window pulling your sunglasses on hoping now one will recognise you.

"That will be £21.98 please" maya says reaching the card machine out so you can pay for the food and drinks.

"Luucccyyyyy." Y/n drags out.

"Yes sweetie?" You question, not prepared for what's she's going to ask.

"Instead of going to mums, can I go to yours, wait can we have a SLEEP OVER!" She shouts.

"Here's your drinks and food, I hope you have a fabulous day." Maya says while you hand y/n her drink and toastie.

"I'll speak to your mum when we get in kiddo"



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