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My head was throbbing as I reluctantly awoke, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. The room around me seemed like a puzzle with missing pieces, and the remnants of my drunken escapade left me with a pounding headache. The vague recollection of a dance floor and my fifth drink danced at the edges of my memory.

Groaning, I sat up in my bed, fully clothed but still cloaked in the haze of last night's indulgence. Did I walk back on my own? I couldn't be sure. Glancing at the clock, I realized I was dreadfully late for morning rounds. Part of me didn't care, given that Ghost had made it clear he no longer wanted me around him.

The dull ache that accompanied thoughts of him resurfaced, and I reluctantly stood, reaching for painkillers to dull both my physical and emotional pain. As I changed into my uniform, a wave of reluctance swept over me, deterring me from heading to the training yard.

Upon my arrival I was greeted with the booming voice of Lieutenant Harding, "Cadet Ava, would you like to explain where the hell you've been for the past hour?" 

My head throbbed in response to the noise, and I tried to mask my discomfort. Before I could utter a word, Ghost's voice emerged from behind me. "She was with me, finishing her combat and target training." Ghost spoke firmly. Harding nodded, then walked back to the other recruits that were training in the center. 

I turned to face Ghost, puzzled by his unexpected lie. Did he know I had been drunk? Why would he cover for me so easily?

The rest of the day's training unfolded with a sense of lingering unease. My attention was fixated on Ghost, whose impassive demeanor only fueled my yearning for his acknowledgment. I watched him from the periphery as he surveyed the cadets, his eyes avoiding mine. The intensity of this crush weighed on me, a burden I could no longer bear in silence.

The grueling day of training had come to an end, releasing us from the clutches of physical exhaustion. As we dispersed, the captain, a stern figure of authority, emerged, his voice cutting through the air like a sharp command. 

"Alright cadets! Listen here!" His yell echoed, compelling us to form a group around him. 

Obediently, we gathered near the captain, the atmosphere tinged with anticipation. Arms crossed against his chest, he stood with an air of significance, flanked by the lieutenants, among them stood Ghost.

"We have chosen the rookie who will be joining the task force set to leave tomorrow morning for the search." The captain's announcement left us wide-eyed, tension hanging thick in the air. The weight of the impending decision settled upon us, the gravity of the task force mission sinking in.

In the midst of this pivotal moment, my attention wavered as I found myself ensnared in Ghost's intense gaze. His eyes, dark and penetrating, locked onto mine, captivating me in a trance. Time seemed to stand still when he looked at me like that, his gaze reaching into the depths of my soul, rendering me oblivious to the captain's words. Those eyes... I couldn't focus on anything else when they held mine.

"Cadet Ava." The captain's voice cut through the haze, jolting me from my reverie. The hushed whispers of fellow cadets and their turned heads indicated the attention now on me. My stomach churned violently, cheeks ablaze with heat as the captain gestured for me to step forward, joining him and the other lieutenants at the front. The spotlight was suddenly on me, and the weight of everyone's scrutiny bore down.

I approached the captain, a slight lightheaded feeling enveloping me. Determinedly, I shook my head and offered a tight smile in response to the captain's words.

"We are sure you will do an adequate job, soldier," he affirmed, a nod underscoring his approval.

As the group disbanded and cadets went their separate ways, I hesitated, unable to ignore the curiosity tugging at me. Ghost and the captain retreated into his office, prompting me to wait by the door, yearning for a glimpse of him. Ghost's voice resonated through the door, his tone booming.

Lieutenant GhostWhere stories live. Discover now