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As the captain wrapped up the briefing and the team began to disperse, Ghost couldn't help but feel the weight of his decision. He watched as Ava's eyes, filled with sadness and longing, briefly met his own before she turned away. It was a subtle but painful reminder of the love he had to deny himself.

Behind his mask, Ghost's heart ached. He longed to reach out to Ava, to hold her and tell her that he felt the same way, but he couldn't. Duty came first, and the mission was paramount. He had to be the strong, unyielding figure that the team depended on, even if it meant sacrificing the one thing he had come to cherish.

As he continued down the corridor, the other team members and lieutenants joined him and Ava, their faces filled with exhilaration and camaraderie. The successful mission had lifted their spirits, and they were eager to celebrate.

Lieutenant Ramirez clapped Ghost on the shoulder and grinned. "Ghost, that was a hell of a mission."

"Yes, it was." Ghost nodded, his response curt but appreciative. He had a reputation for being a man of few words, but his dedication to the team was unwavering.

Soap chimed in, "We've earned a night off. What do you guys say? A celebratory drink in the city?"

The other team members cheered in agreement, their excitement infectious. Ghost glanced at Ava, who stood beside him, her eyes still reflecting the hurt and longing they had shared earlier. He knew he had to maintain his professionalism, but the offer was tempting.

Ava looked at him, her eyes searching for a sign of what he wanted to do. Despite the unspoken distance that had grown between them, she still longed for a moment of connection, even if it was just for one night.

Ghost hesitated for a moment, torn between duty and desire, and then nodded in agreement. "One drink," he replied, his voice firm.

Ramirez turned to Ava and asked, "What about you, private? Are you coming with us?"

"No," Ghost answered on her behalf, his voice resolute, "Ava will be staying on base."

Ava shot Ghost a frustrated look, her jaw clenched as she fought back her irritation. She had expected his protective stance, but she had also hoped for a chance to break free from it, even if just for one night.

Ghost's decision was not one of control, but rather a reflection of his deep concern for her well-being. The thought of anything happening to Ava was a weight he couldn't bear. Despite the frustration in her eyes, he just wanted her to be safe.

Ava's annoyance flared, and she shot Ghost a narrowed glare.

"Actually," She said, her voice firm, "I would like to come."

Despite his reservations, he knew that denying her the chance to unwind with the team would only create more tension between them. So, he stayed quiet, his stoic demeanor a mask for the tumult of emotions he felt inside.

. . . 

They soon all changed out of their uniforms and left for the city, Ava walked alongside Ghost, her steps in sync with his. He kept a close watch on her, his protective instincts on high alert. He couldn't shake the worry that something might happen to her, and the thought gnawed at him. He knew he had to let her go, to trust that she could take care of herself, but it was a struggle against his natural instincts.

The night in the city held the promise of relaxation and camaraderie, a chance to celebrate the success of their mission. But for Ghost and Ava, it was also a test of their newfound understanding, a fragile balance between their deep feelings for each other and the boundaries they had set.

They arrived at a bustling bar/nightclub in the city, the thumping bass and dimly lit atmosphere setting the stage for a night of celebration. The venue was filled with laughter and music, creating a lively backdrop for the group.

Lieutenant GhostWhere stories live. Discover now