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The dawn's cool misty air and wildlife noise began seeping through the thin tent as I slowly woke to find Ghost's intense gaze fixed on me. His eyes, filled with a mixture of contemplation and tenderness, watched as if he could decipher the secrets of my dreams. 

I rubbed my eyes, still heavy with sleep, and a warm sensation settled in my stomach as I took in the sight of him daydreaming while looking after me.

"What time is it?" I murmured, my voice groggy from sleep. 

Ghost's response was a whisper, "Early. I must go before they suspect anything." 

I nodded, silently observing him slipping out through the tent flap. 

Just before leaving, he leaned over, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead, his hushed promise lingering in the air, "We will talk soon."

The warmth he left behind seemed to permeate every inch of my being, and as I replayed the night's events in my mind, a feeling of almost obsessive infatuation took hold. I marveled at the intensity of our connection, something I had never experienced before. His touch lingered on my skin, and the echo of his whispered words continued to reverberate in my mind.

As I lay there, I couldn't shake the sense that I had stepped into uncharted territory, willingly ensnared by a force beyond my control. Ghost had awakened a passion within me that felt both exhilarating and unsettling. The boundaries between duty and desire blurred, and I found myself yearning for more of his presence, his touch, and the promise of a conversation that would lay bare the unspoken emotions between us. 

As the team efficiently packed up their gear, the static from Ghost's radio sounded, as the Captain spoke in a rich and loud tone. 

"We have been given word by Marsh that the bomb has been secured, move south to the transport vehicle imminently." He spoke through the static. 

I fell into step with Private Ron, his anxious energy palpable as we made our way toward the southern meeting point. 

He tried to strike up a conversation, voicing his insecurities about feeling out of place on the mission. "I definitely feel out of place on this mission," he admitted nervously.

"It gets easier with time," I reassured him, offering a small smile. 

The lieutenants discussed the plan while we gathered around Lieutenant Marsh, who had a firm grip on the bomb. Private Ron assisted him in loading it into the military truck. We set out together, Ron continued trying to engage me in quiet conversation, seeking guidance in the unfamiliar environment. The journey back to base felt like a mix of relief and anticipation. 

As we arrived back, the unit was buzzing with a variety of concern of the bomb, as well as congratulatory compliments as we met with the rest of the members of the Tech team, as well we Captain Price.

The captain commended the team on a successful mission, emphasizing the reduction of a threat to the unit, "Our next move will be discussed tomorrow, everyone be prepped and ready for debrief." 

As the squad dispersed, I overheard Lieutenant Marsh mentioning a cryptic directive to a tech team member, whispering, "At 4 o'clock , we move." 

Confusion settled in as I pondered the possibility of another mission on the horizon.

As I navigated through the crowded hallways, I spotted Ghost heading towards the men's showers. 

Seizing the moment, I caught up with him and sweetly asked, "Can we talk now?" 

His chuckle reverberated through the corridor, and he teasingly replied, "Well, I better rinse off before that... unless you'd care to join me?" 

My laughter bubbled up, feeling a surge of butterflies in my stomach. "What if we get caught?" I teased. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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