Chapter One: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Deciding on what the school's name should be was a challenge. Deciding on how to build it was an even bigger challenge. The name of Hogwarts seemed fitting for the school. It showed no sign of power and no sign of evil. Overall, it had no significant meaning at all.

With thousands of wizards easily casting spells and charms to place each brick, window, door, or shingle in its position, the construction progressed as planned. The Astronomy Tower was nearly completed, and the Great Hall had all of its four walls in place.

The highlands of Scotland were a perfect place for the school. No muggles, wizards, or any kind of dangerous forces even knew that the school would be completed within the year. Just the thought of over one hundred students coming to learn all sorts of different kinds of magic would be a wondrous sight. And every year, they would learn something new.

Strolling in the would-be Great Hall, Godric Gryffindor looked around, feeling a sense of pride and happiness, seeing wizards go about their business. One wizard quickly brushed past him, nearly stepping on his red, crimson robe.

Godric Gryffindor was a man who liked to see that tasks were being completed. He would walk with a slow stride, his wand always in his inside pocket, ready to help those in need, or stop those who had to be stopped. Occasionally, he would be seen walking around the corridors, humming to himself, peeping into different classrooms to see what was going on.

He would remember as a small kid, his small family working in the fields of England, years ago. His father would stand tall and proud before him, ready to hand his son whatever chore or assignment that had to be completed. His mother, short and happy, always would stay home, having breakfast, lunch, and dinner ready for her family to feed on. Godric knew that she was afraid of the outside world, afraid of muggles, afraid of fear.

Godric was raised with one brother and one sister. His younger brother, Griffith, was the second Gryffindor child to be born into the family. He had freckles on his nose, bright brown eyes, and was always full of energy. Playing with his wand and helping around the fields with his older brother seemed to be what his everyday life was like. Godric would remember what it was like to duel with his brother, every now and then. His father disapproved of it, but the two boys could not be contained.

Godric would never use spells to hurt Griffith of course. However, Griffith was never a match for him. Godric's wand, fifteen inches long, threstral-tail hair core, unyielding, always seemed more powerful than his previous wands. As a kid, he was clumsy with his wands. New spells were always the reason why he had difficulty of controlling his wand. It was either, "Well, you see I was trying out the Confringo spell..." or perhaps "Umm, when I was casting Lumos Maxima..."

As a kid, Godric was not the best at spells.

However, his youngest sister was.

Glenda Gryffindor is the youngest in the family. She had flaming red hair, dark brown eyes, and was the cutest and smallest. It seemed as though she loved to play all day and sleep all night, but everybody knew that she was brave enough to stand up to anyone. It was talent. In Glenda's opinion, it was more like knowledge.

"How are you so good at spells?" Godric remembered asking his sister one day.

"It just comes to me naturally. Like a book. I need to review the words and understand them before I can speak them."

Those were words Godric never quite understood.

He crossed into the large clock tower, and saw that many wizards were formed into a large circle. One of them spotted Godric standing from aside and quickly jogged over to him.

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