Chapter Ten: The Capture of a Friend

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Everything had been so clear before. No wonder Centaurus had not wanted to meet Godric for so long. The answer had been staring at him straight in the heart, and Godric ignored it all along, thinking he would need someone with a higher power to point it out to him. All this time, Godric could have figured it out himself, why everything was happening so.

The sound of a wolf howling didn't even startle Godric as he nearly jogged his way up to the castle. The pale moonlight provided enough light for him to know where he was going. Godric made his way into the Great Hall, and went straight for the dungeons, to Salazar. It got much colder as he made his way down. He opened the door, went through the common room, and into Salazar's room.

"Get up!" shouted Godric, waking Salazar.

"Godric? What's going on?" asked Salazar, getting out of his bed and into his robe, "Is there trouble?"

"Not yet. We need to wake the others. Get your robes and your wand. There's going to be another attack. Meet me at the entrance to the Great Hall," was all Godric said as he ran out of Salazar's room.

As he woke up Helga and Rowena, Godric became more anxious and nervous. The attacker must have been preparing himself, this time, knowing where to strike. Godric could not let everything he worked for be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

It was five minutes to midnight when the Great Four had finally congregated in the entrance to the Great Hall.

"What's the meaning of this Godric? Where is the attacker?" asked Helga.

"He'll be back at the striking point where we formed the shield. He knows where it is. Last time he almost struck the center, but never hit the exact spot. That was because we didn't give him the chance to. We won't give him the chance tonight. Let's go," said Godric, walking quickly out of the castle grounds.

"Godric, we can't just walk blindly to the attacker!" exclaimed Rowena, following behind Godric, "We need to strategize our attack. Make a plan! We almost got killed last time!"

"There's no time for planning Rowena. It's now or never," answered Godric.


Just as Godric finished his sentence, a green streak of light appeared from the edge of the forest, and was aimed straight at the shield's weak spot. Immediately the shield illuminated, giving off a bright white color, as though someone had just created a large star. Still running towards the attacker, Godric was transfixed at the shield. There was a large rush of wind from the cosmic destruction, and the Great Four fell to the ground. Godric felt something hit his head and land softly on the grass.

"We're too late!" shouted Helga.

"Not for long," added Salazar.

Salazar grabbed onto Rowena's hand and Godric's hand.

"Helga! Hang on!" shouted Salazar.

Helga grabbed Rowena's hand, and Godric looked around at what had hit him in the head. There were no rocks nearby for him to bang on his forehead. He looked behind him, and what he saw, made him skip a heartbeat.

His wand was lying on the ground.

"Hang on!" shouted Salazar.

"No wait..." began Godric, but it was too late.

Salazar jumped into the air, and Godric felt himself lift with Salazar. There was a rush of wind that entangled Godric. Immediately, he couldn't see, and his eyesight was blinded by a black smoke. His body felt transformed. Godric couldn't see where he was, but only that he was moving with everyone else. This wasn't apparation. Salazar must have been leading them towards the attacker in a manner that was unfamiliar to Godric. Suddenly, something bright hit the black smoke, and Godric felt himself decreasing in height. He held on strongly to Salazar's hand, but Salazar was out of control, and let go. Godric felt the wind leave his body, and the smoke clear up.

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