Chapter Three: Quidditch

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There had to be at least thirty of them. The boisterous crowd was now out of the arena, running for their lives. The snakes slithered and moved on their stomachs into the arena seats. Their black tongues slipped out of their mouths, with a small hiss. Godric looked up and down, and all around him. By now most of the snakes were in the seats, encircling around him. Godric watched his feet afraid to accidently step on one. The snakes were large, and had to be at least seven feet long. Afraid to use a spell that might only provoke the snakes to attack him even more, Godric began casting a spell that rather might help him.

"Confundo! Confundo!" cast Godric, the spells going towards the snakes. It only bought him seconds, but the snakes would not stop. Godric cast the spell a couple more times, but it was not effective.

"Arania Exumai!" cast Godric. One snake was flipped into the air and blasted far away from Godric across the seating. Slowly, another snake began to approach Godric.

"Arania Exumai!" cast Godric. Again the snake was flung into the air out of sight. Godric looked around, only to see the snakes beginning to enclose him. Godric turned and turned, trying to find a way out into the open for a better view. The snakes drew nearer and nearer. Then remembering a useful spell, Godric turned to a large group of snakes fairly close to him.

"Duro!" he shouted. Red lights flew out of his wand and hit the snakes in the face. There were multiple small crack noises and the snakes slowly turned to stone. Soon they were nothing but statues. Pleased to know there was a way to escape Godric turned towards the exit. He raised his wand when there was a small hum. He turned to the snake statue. The statue cracked and then pieces fell off. The snakes slithered out, sliding faster to Godric.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang and boom on the other end of the arena. Godric turned around to find Salazar coming from the rubble, his cloak stained with blood. He turned to the snakes and raised his wand.

"Salazar! What are you doing here?" asked Godric, returning his gaze to the snakes.

"I'm saving your life! Now cover your ears!" he shouted back.

Without hesitation, Godric covered his ears, not knowing what Salazar had in mind. The sound of hissing and slithering was quickly lowered. Godric eyed Salazar, who cast a spell that erupted from a pile of snakes. Tiny heads turned to face Salazar, loud hissing echoing throughout the arena.

Salazar remained still, his wand lowered, and his eyes beginning to squint. His mouth was barely moving, his tongue gliding around his mouth. His voice was not the same, and Godric turned his gaze back to the snakes. The snakes were no longer paying attention to him, but were know staring at Salazar, almost none of them were moving. Salazar's voice rose higher with every second, and Godric could tell that whatever Salazar was saying, it was making the snakes mad.

Hissing sounded again, and ever so slowly, the snakes began slithering away from Godric, going to Salazar as though in a trance. Godric looked around, and before he knew it, he was alone. The large hole in the stadium where Lockhart had been flung into led to the outside, and the road was clearly visible. Godric looked at his only exit, and back at Salazar, now moving out of the battle area and to the hallways.

"Go!" shouted Salazar, transfixing his eyes on the snakes, and returning to his funny language. Godric looked back at the exit, his hands lowered down, and his wand already in his pocket. Salazar was out of the battle area, slowly backing into the hallways, his distance between a wall was drawing closer.

"GO!" yelled Salazar, still staring at the snakes. Suddenly, one snake jumped forward, barely missing a bite in Salazar's green, emerald, cloak. Godric knew Salazar would never make it out of the arena alive. He was all he got.

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