Chapter Four: Halloween

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The Great Hall erupted with voices, as though someone had set off a set of bombs. Food was flipped into the air as people collapsed and fell, running to Godric and Alexander. Commotion was everywhere as people were tripped, shoved, pushed, flipped, and even ran over each other. Godric suddenly found himself trapped as workers swarmed around him, yelling and pounding him with questions. Alexander could barely move. Helga and Rowena were both trapped in their seats as workers were talking to them all at once.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang and the doors to the Great Hall fell off, as even more workers flooded in, running around and trying to get to the Great Four. Salazar found his arms being pulled by people as they furiously tried to get his attention. "Let go of me!" he shouted, but his voice was quickly drowned as people continued to shout and yell their statements.

There was a whip of a wand and suddenly red sparks shot into the air, and exploded. They sparkled down upon people's head, attracting attention. The Great Hall was quickly settled down. The wand that was out belonged to Godric, who returned the wand back into his robes. He took a deep breath.

"I understand that many, or all of you, have found this shocking, including you Alexander," began Godric, giving Alexander a quick look, but returned his gaze to the audience, "However, I would like to state that it is in the nature of a man to be respected when he has done a noble act. I cannot think of any more of a greater reward for this young man. Now, I ask for all of the workers, to return to their posts, and return back here to the Great Hall for a little surprise gift I have for Alexander, before the night is done."

Slowly, the crowd broke up and exited the Great Hall. The doors were picked off of the floor, and returned to their hinges. Ten minutes later, the Great Hall was empty except for a surprised Rowena and Helga, a speechless Alexander, a tired Godric, and an extremely furious Salazar, who was marching up to Godric.

"Godric. We need to talk now!" he said, nearly screaming into Godric's ear.

As though waking from a dream, Godric looked at Salazar, "Sure." The two of them strolled out behind and disappeared into a small, empty conference room.

"Have you gone completely insane you stupid, idiot, troll!" shouted Salazar, his face nearly bright red.

"Salazar!" shouted Godric, his tone snapping to a surprise, "What's wrong with you!"

"What's wrong with me?" asked Salazar, his eyes widening, "Godric! You've just made the stupidest mistake of your life! How could you let this, this kid, be with us?"

"Salazar, he's not just a kid! He's powerful! Salazar, he could be an extremely valuable asset to the Great Four!" said Godric, not quite understanding how Salazar could not see his reasoning.

"Godric. You've met this person once. You barely know him. Anybody would save your life for crying out loud! You're Godric Gryffindor! I don't care what anybody thinks; this man is not worthy to be with us! Godric, he could be dangerous! He could be a threat to us, or the threat that has been against this school since the very beginning of construction! He can't be with us!" shouted Salazar. Godric eyed Salazar, and the gaze was held for a good minute.

"Salazar," said Godric, his voice lowered down to an indoor voice, "My solution is final. Your argument is poor, and I am very disappointed with your feeling towards this boy. You should be down on your knees thanking him for his brave actions. I am not going to turn on him now, nor will I ever."

With that, Godric left.

Pretty soon, the workers came back into the Great Hall, all of them as quiet as could be, none of them making a sound. They each took a seat at the four long tables. The floating candles were dimmed for the occasion. Alexander waited in his seat, feeling sick in his stomach. All of this was new to him. He had never received attention like this before. Nothing was going the way he, or anybody else here planned. Whatever was going to happen, it would not be good. The door behind him opened and hit the wall with a bang that echoed throughout the Great Hall. Everybody swiveled in his or her chair to see Godric and Salazar barely jogging to their seats, a look of anger spread across their faces.

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