Chapter Five: The Library

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The damage was done to Hogwarts, and sleeping became less and less. More wizards patrolled the grounds. Small watchtowers were built. The Great Hall was quickly rebuilt. Everybody kept to himself or herself as the weather got colder, and the lake rose with the heavy rain. Snow was not a factor yet. On the fourth day of December, Godric woke up to hear the news that Salazar had returned from his travels, and was in the dungeons, brewing another potion.

"Glad to see you're back," said Godric, wiping more crud out of his eyes.

"Well, news travels quickly," murmured Salazar, his potion spewing dust out of the cauldron, "I was in a pub just a couple days ago, when a paper boy came screaming. Of course no one bothered, until I heard him shout something about Hogwarts. I paid him for the paper, and read all about your incident. Take a look."

Salazar retrieved a folded newspaper from out of his robes and tossed it to the corner of the table where Godric was sitting. Godric glanced at it and saw it was the Daily Prophet. Under the title, embolden in big letters, began what was the beginning of a v article.


Written by Buckshire Pilgothy

Upon the night of Halloween, while the children were playing and the adults were talking, Hogwarts was attacked! Rumors have been told that after a valiant chase through the forest, and a daring duel, four of the Great Five barely survived after making an attempt to catch the attacker!

Attempts of receiving any news or information about the attack were failed from the workers currently guarding the castle. Yesterday, Timothy Reklow, one of the head overseers of construction, presented himself at a meeting near the edge of where our heroes dueled.

"We were caught off guard by this. No one had received any hints or leads upon this attack before. I will assure you that Hogwarts will now be on its highest guard ever. This little incident will not slow down the construction of the castle, and Hogwarts will be opening upon the date in which it will do so. Now will you all be escorted to the Apparation Point by the path set up by my fellow workers."

After his reassuring speech, we were escorted back to Diagon Alley. Hopefully, Mr. Reklow's words will prevail, and Hogwarts will not be suppressed by any more attacks this year, or the upcoming year."

Godric set down the paper, and saw at the bottom a moving portrait of the castle, large pieces of bricks falling over and over again to the ground.

"Well, if the attacker ever comes across the paper, he'll surely understand not to make his mistake again," spoke Godric, watching Salazar's movements.

"Absolutely," replied Salazar, looking for something in his cabinet.

The two of them remained silent. The sound of a bubbling potion was the only sound breaking the fragile silence in the room. Godric began to tap his fingers on the table, until a thought came to mind.

"Salazar," he began, "would you have any recollection of what the letters, R.C could possibly stand for?"

Salazar stopped pouring a potion, and stood still, like as though he had been stoned. His back remained bent over, his glance slowly going towards Godric.


"Yes, R.C."

Salazar put down his potion, and stood straight up. He began to pace around the room, each step echoing in the emptiness.

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