Chapter Eleven: Duel in the Dark Forest

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"Avada kedavra!" shouted Timothy.

With needless effort, Godric easily deflected off the spell with a shield charm.

"Petrificus totalus!" shouted Godric, hoping to immobilize his opponent, but Timothy quickly ducked under the spell.

"Stupefy!" shouted Godric at the kneeling Timothy.

Timothy jumped away from the spell.

What happened next, Godric could barely grasp a hold of into his memory. Timothy shouted and spells of green, blue, and red shot out of his and Godric's wand. Water spewed into the air. Fire was tampered with, and caught onto a tree. Twice a rock had exploded, and a patch of ground had been turned to stone. Godric observed Timothy's movements to see if there was a pattern he could follow. Yet, Godric found difficulty in observing one's movements when also deflecting and attacking the attacker.

Timothy barely stood his ground. He kept moving, jumping, ducking, and sliding behind trees and over tree roots. Godric quickly considered using the environment to his advantage, but in doing do would mean moving into the forest and allowing Timothy to send a single spell to cause destruction to the castle walls. Any attempt to move Timothy seemed to be impossible during the duel. How could Godric possibly move Timothy deeper into the forest and leave his friends? If Godric moved back, he would fall off of the hill and surely meet an uncertain death.

"Obliviate!" chanted Timothy, a sparkling blue spell emerging from his wand.

"Protego!" shouted Godric once more, deflecting off the vanishing-of-the-memory spell.

Suddenly, Timothy had cast a spell that caught Godric off guard. It was a spell Godric had not heard before.

"Expecto patronum defendum!" shouted Timothy.

Out of Timothy's wand came his patronus. It was a large bear that towered over Godric. It was outlined by light blue lines, and eyed Godric intensely. Godric was not sure whether or not the bear could cause damage to him, as it was only a patronus.


The bear patronus let out a roar that echoed with large magnitude and volume throughout the forest. Godric felt his hair lash out and his beard pressed against his chest. The fire on the tree had begun to travel with the wind from the roar to the next nearby tree. The newly blossomed leaves on branches fell off and rained onto the ground. As the bear became to die down in volume, it began to charge towards Godric. Through the bear, Godric glanced at Timothy's evil smile.

"Expecto patronum defendum!" chanted Godric, hoping his spell would have a close effect like Timothy's.

From Godric's wand emerged a handsome and brawny stag. It too was outlined like the bear. It's curves of muscles shown through, but it still seemed to be shorter in size than the charging bear. Seeing the furious bear, the stag charged, it's antlers pointed straight for the bear's face. The two animals collided, and Godric felt his wand suddenly go berserk, and vibrated like a large hummingbird. Godric grasped his wand with two hands, but the vibrations went throughout Godric's entire body. Godric looked at Timothy. He too was having the same problem.

The bear was shoved back, and the stag retreated, shaking its antlers with its head bowed. Godric noticed how much this irritated the bear.


The bear stood on its two hind legs, walked up to the charging stag, and with one paw, smacked the antlers. The stag was thrown to the side and landed softly onto its legs. It charged immediately into the bear's side. Caught off guard, the bear landed with a thump onto the ground. Facing the opponent in the face, the stag lashed its antlers into the bear's face. The bear screamed out in pain, and covered its eyes. Godric's stag retreated and began to circle the bear, who continued to lie on the ground.

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