🖤 CHP.4🖤

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(Author's Note : Hello everyone I am back!!!!!)

Ok so let's continue:

Kim Mansion:

As soon as Mr.Kim dropped the information the house went to an dead silence.
No one could or wanted to believe what he just said .
As it has been years and the were not aware of their Noona.
But one person present there was totally numb bcouz he knew his Noona ,he was well aware of his Noona but, he let her be a mystery.

Jk : Appa don't joke around plss.
Mr.Kim : I am not joking * serious tone*
When Mr.Kim used his serious tone everyone knew that what they heard was true bcouz their father have never talk to them like this until it's important.


The younger one was loosing their minds not being able to process what their father said.

Mr.Kim : Kids I know it is not easy to understand but please understand  me and your Noona,she was the one who told me to keep you all in dark.

Lisa : Appa we know that but still you can have told us,don't you feel like it was important for is to know.

Lisa said as she was on the verge of crying not bcouz there is someone elder than jin but bcouz their father kept them in dark
Being the maknae she was the most loved in the house and most importantly their father had never hide something from them and now giving them the biggest shock doesn't soundsl's good.

Mr.Kim : Lili plss don't cry I know it's my fault,my children you all know everything but not about your Noona bcouz of her past babies but I promise she loves all of you more than anything in this world she can even die for you,your wishes are everything for her.

Namjoon : How can you say this dad that too with such confidence?

Mr.Kim : She calls me everyday and ask about your health and happiness.
Jungkook do you remember the latest
video game you have ??.

Jungkook: Ne dad and you have given it to me and also recently then why are you asking me ?

Mr.Kim: kookie it was not me it was your Noona

Jungkook: Dad plss don't lie.

Mr.Kim : I even have proof wait let me show you don't you dare to move a muscle from here.

Mr.Kim left the room and after few minutes he cane with a wodden box.

Mr.Kim : These are the letters from your Noona she send this for all of us every year.
And Jungkook you read this then you will understand.

Jennie: Kook read it aloud we also want to hear it.

Everyone x jenkook and Mr.Kim : YES!!.

The letter :

Date : 23/03/24

Dad how are you and what about little trouble makers?.I hope you all are good,happy and healthy over there.

Well I have wrote this letter specially to complain you that you didn't even bother me to say that our muscle bunny needs the latest video game well now that I know this package is for my kookie.

Dad don't let him know that this package is from me and tell the Maknae's to not create any trouble in school I am receiving a lot of complaints of them from the principal.

And let the older one's take rest don't stress them too much and you too if you want I can take care of the company in korea.Take your medicine on time and also don't let anyone Skip their meals.

You Beautiful daughter
Kim Y/N .

Once he was done with the letter he saw that Mr.kim was having tears in his eyes.
He rushed towards him and hugged him tightly later joined by all the siblings.
Bangpink: Sorry dad Noona is good .

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