22. Unmatched Emotions

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I never thought I'd be penning down these words, unraveling the threads of our love story that once danced in the warm glow of affection. The journey began because she adored the tales woven on Wattpad pages, and I, enchanted by the magic of her smile, set out to etch our narrative in the digital ink of virtual books.

Yet, here I am, the storyteller turned into the protagonist of a heart-wrenching tale. She, the muse who once fueled these chapters with love, is now just a distant echo in the corridors of my memories. The love I poured into these words couldn't withstand the tempest that tore through our shared world.

It's a story of love and loss, written in the aftermath of her departure, leaving me grappling with an absence that weighs heavier than any ink on paper. The pain is etched in every keystroke, as I navigate through the debris of a relationship that crumbled without warning. Little did I know that the person I crafted these chapters for would no longer be a part of my life. My girlfriend, the one I thought I would build a future with, decided that our journey together had reached its end. The pain of not receiving a proper closure from her echoes in the empty spaces she left behind.

She left, citing a need for mental peace, claiming I had become too attached. Anxiously attached, perhaps, because I felt the echoes of neglect for weeks, a void where love once thrived. I yearned for more than words; I craved the actions that would solidify her love. Yet, as I poured my heart into gestures and messages, I witnessed the distance growing.

Days of sending anniversary wishes at midnight 12am, hoping she'd reciprocate, turned into a routine without meaning. I longed for her to care about the little things that defined our relationship. Despite our efforts, the once vibrant connection faded and I found myself desperately clinging to the remnants of what we once had.

 Despite our efforts, the once vibrant connection faded and I found myself desperately clinging to the remnants of what we once had

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The final month became a down hill ride of insecurity and unspoken truths. I confronted the assumed lies, the drifting, but my attempts at communication were met with defensiveness. Eventually, the unraveling led to a heartbreaking phone call. She claimed it took her courage to end this relationship, asserting she no longer cared. My world crumbled. In her eyes our communication was nothing but arguments to her, and my promises of change were met with skepticism. The pain of losing her after picturing a life together was indescribable.

I pleaded for another chance, but she denied me, stating she needed peace

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I pleaded for another chance, but she denied me, stating she needed peace. The words stung, especially when she said, "You wanted to hear this, right? Yes, I cheated on you." The pain of losing her, coupled with the betrayal, felt insurmountable. I still don't wanna believe that she cheated. Despite my pleas for a more composed parting, she counted our attempts to communicate as arguments, she was so convinced that I couldn't change for her. It's a bitter truth that loving someone intensely might lead to their departure. The very next day, after nine months of being together, I found myself alone, drowning in an emotional abyss with no lifeline.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, turning me into a mere shell of the person I once was

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Tears flowed uncontrollably, turning me into a mere shell of the person I once was.  I wept until there were no tears left, feeling like a hollow shell of my former self. I resembled a living body with a dead soul, neighbors concerned but unaware of the immense loss I experienced.
How could I articulate that my world had crumbled? If our first meeting was a sunrise, illuminating my world with her radiance, then her departure was the darkest of storms, engulfing me in its fury.

 How could I articulate that my world had crumbled? If our first meeting was a sunrise, illuminating my world with her radiance, then her departure was the darkest of storms, engulfing me in its fury

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The following day after she broke up, even the skies seemed to share in my sorrow. Rain poured down on the city, a reflection of the gloom that now enveloped my existence.
Even the heavens seemed to mourn our severed connection.

The chilly winter air mirrored the coldness that settled in my heart

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The chilly winter air mirrored the coldness that settled in my heart. Now I faced the harsh reality that sometimes, no amount of love can prevent someone from leaving. I began to understand sometimes, loving too much leads to heartbreak. And so, the chapters of our love story unfold, stained with the tears of a heartbroken writer.

 And so, the chapters of our love story unfold, stained with the tears of a heartbroken writer

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to be continued...

P.S: today marks the bittersweet one-year anniversary of our journey together.With a heavy heart I uploaded this breakup chapter, weaving emotions into words, hoping the words on this digital page can capture the essence of our shared moments and the pain of parting ways 💔

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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