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{ AUGUST 5 }


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New beginnings.

I was here solely for new beginnings

"Thank you men," I told the movers. I gave them a water bottle and some type of snack of their choice from one of the boxes.

I kept lots of food and took it with me. I wasn't going to throw it away and it hadn't expired yet.

I watched them climb into their truck before speeding away.

Straight away, I went to the spare bedroom and brought the boxes named nails, and unpacked.

My studio apartment would also be my workplace.

I was a nail tech, failed medical student. But I loved my job, and it paid good as fuck. My nail quality was amazing and my prices kept people coming.

However, I didn't know how business would be here. Back in LA, I was booked and busy, making a minimum 300 a day.

But now Im in georgia, and I don't know whether or not I have competition. Hopefully I don't, and what if georgia is like what people say?

Sourhern and confederate. No one would want long, hoochie mama nails like they did and I would be knee deep in bills

I took a deep breath, slapping my cheeks. I needed to calm down and be more positive.

Atlanta was located in Georgia. People will want their nails done and salons don't do it like I can.

New beginnings, I reminded myself. New beginnings.

5 months prior

"Bitch what the fuck I tell you bout making this place stank! Where yo good perfume at? This shit fucking reeks!" Malikai shouted, slamming the front door.

"Fuck." I whispered, running to my perfume to
pull out this chanel perfume malikai bought me.

I sprayed lysol in the room I was working in and in the living room, where the smell had carried. I pulled out the chanel perfume and sprayed it, though it did nothing.

"Ain't I tell you to not let me come in this house where it fucking stank. Whatchu think this is, dirty bitch? Don't fucking start with this."

I took his jacket off, it smelt strongly of cough syrup and weed. Guess I know where he went, but the wad of cash he took from his Purple jeans couldn't be ignored.

My mouth was staying shut today. I stared at 10k in hundreds that kept together with a single rubber band.

He grabbed my hair, pulling me towards him so I was facing him. My heart began to beat quickly at the murderous expression his face took on. "Why the fuck it stank? And don't be messing with me, acting like Im tweaking or sum."

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