Chapter 3

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The highest vote ended up being B

"Can I stay with you? I mean.. it's super lonely here and I feel like everyone is against me. I don't want to loose the only person who seems to be kind in this hell hole." Y/N asked, looking a little embarrassed. DogDay looked especially excited. "Oh I knew it! I knew you were her Angel!" He said happily, scooping them up into his arms and hugging them tightly. Y/N yelped, holding onto DogDay tightly as being afraid of heights. Angel?

"Uhhh! DogDay!" They said nervously. DogDay piped down, setting them back on the ground gently. "Sorry Angel.. er- Y/N." He said, looking embarrassed that he got so excited. Y/N smiled. "It's um.. it's alright y'know. Just surprised me. Why did you call me Angel?" They asked. DogDay's grin widened, yet it still didn't seem creepy or anything. "Well um.. it's a little complicated. After an.. incident in playcare, Poppy sort of... had some type of vision. She foretold someone venturing to playcare, someone coming to save us all. She.. she called you an Angel." DogDay looked a little unsure of himself saying that outloud. Y/N shifted a little. "Hm.. I'm not exactly sure what to think of that but.. I don't mind being your angel, if it brings you comfort." They whispered, patting him on the head. DogDay's lifeless eyes seemed to light up at that, and his tail started wagging quickly. "Er.. really? I just-.. thank you Angel." He sighed in contempt. Y/N chuckled softly. "Anyways, right now we.. I.. um... I don't really know what to do. Currently I'm just.. hungry. Do you ever feel Hunger DogDay?" They asked, looking up at him. DogDay shifted uncomfortably. "..Yes. I do. The worst part of being hungry is.. not being able to eat. But it's inevitable. I'm sure we could find some food for you somewhere. Likely expired or dried out but..." He said nervously. Y/N smiled tiredly at him. "Thank you.. you know.."

A "Nickname?"
B "Life before?"

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