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I wake up about an hour later from my nap, feeling thirsty as ever. Still sleepy and eyes closed, I shakily reach over to the nightstand and attempt to grab the glass of now room temperature water. I grab the glass but fumble as I do so, dropping it on the hard floor. The glass shattered at impact, breaking into who knows how many pieces, "Shit fuck!" I yell, sitting up, now wide awake and well aware of what I just did.

I hear footsteps rushing in from the hallway. "Jeez what hap-" it was Izuku, he had a look of shock and worry on his face "Y/n what happened? Are you okay?" I sat there, trembling in shock of my own actions. "Y-yeah I'm okay, I just..." I pointed at the spilled water and broken glass on the floor, 'fuck, I should at least clean it up, since I made the mess' I though to myself as I got up, "Wait Y/n don-" too late, that was my mistake. I fumbled my steps on getting out of the bed entangling my leg in the sheet and accidentally stepping on a very sharp piece of glass, it was big too. "Motherfucker! Shit shit shit that hurts"

"Holy shit Y/n how did you manage to do that?" I don't think Izuku had ever heard me cuss that much in a single sentence. My foot started to bleed almost immediately, I hiss in pain at the raw skin now exposed to the cold air. "I don't know!! Can you get something to stop the bleeding please?" I answer his question. He frantically searches around for anything to stop the bleeding.

He goes into the bathroom and comes out with a clean folded washcloth. "This should do, sit back down on the bed" He walks over to me, I hobble on one foot and sit back on the bed, to say I'm embarrassed about the situation is an understatement, I felt almost humiliated, but somewhat comforted...? Izuku propped my foot on his lap and quickly examined the wound. "It's okay, Y/n I've got it, relax a bit" he probably noticed how tense I was, his words helped a lot to calm my racing thoughts down.

I gave him a couple nods in response. He carefully took the big piece of glass out of the bridge of my foot and pressed the cloth to it right after. He looked at me, his eyes locking on mine, his look was reassuring, calming, it brought me comfort.

"Are you okay? How bad does it hurt? I'll text Kacchan and have him bring the proper supplies to bandage you up, can you hold this on here for a second?" I hum in response, "It doesn't hurt that bad anymore... Feels a lot better since the glass is out now" I let out a shaky laugh. I press down on the cloth, my hand grazing his for a slight second, we both glance up at each other, our eyes meeting once again. We both look away, I fully press my hand to the red stained cloth and he pulls out his phone from his knee-length shorts.

//Izuku's POV//

I grab my phone out and text Kacchan

Me: heyyy kacchan, sooo little problem, y/n kinda sorta stepped on glass and cut her foot open, i need supplies to help patch her up. you think you could help???

Kacchan🧡💥: Jeez, how the fuck did she manage to do that? You know what I'm not even gonna ask. Be there in 2 mins love.

Me: okkk thank you see you soon <33

Kacchan🧡💥: Yeah yeah wtv. You're lucky it's Y/n and not any of those other extras.

I turn my phone off and smile at Y/n, he took in her features, her beautiful [h/t/l/c] hair. Her bright curious [e/c] eyes, her lovely skin, her long eyelashes, everything about her was mesmerizing to me. Like a drug I could never overdose on.

I missed her so much, she was my best friend of course, we told each other everything. Up until she started at a different hero school. Everything was so different now. I stopped my train of thought when I realized I was staring too much. Just as I realized this, Y/n and I both startle to the sound of a knock on the door, a muffled "I'm coming in!" Was heard from behind the door as it opened.

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