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Haha, it's your ✨lazy ass author ✨ I'm literally so sorry that I haven't updated this I had no motivation, things going on with my family, and I had writers' block BUT I do have motivation now, and no more writers' block! Enjoy! 

//Y/n perspective//

   I flutter my eyes open and realize 'they're gone!? they must not have seen me or Izu forgot about me' I think to myself. I text Izuku since he gave me his number before he gave me the tour.

                                   Izu 💚                           

Y/n: Hey, Izu I'm gonna head to the hospital to get checked up... Are you ok though?

Izu 💚: Hey, Y/n yeah I'm ok...I'll meet you at the hospital also I'm so sorry I left you! I kind of spaced out I guess because of All-Might...  

  A wave of relief came over me ' thank God it was just something with All-Might... it could've been something bad' I thought as I was walking to the hospital, it was only a couple blocks away.

//at the hospital//

  "Miss Sasaki?"  ( I realized I spelt the last name wrong this is the correct spelling💀, I went through and fixed the spelling in the whole story so if you're reading this right now you shouldn't see the spelling mistake I made. Let me know if you see the last name spelt wrong! ) The nurse called me "oh yes that's me" I say standing up and walking towards her following her. She asked some questions "so what happened?" she asks. 

"W-well my friend and I were on our way to his house then this sludge villain appears out of nowhere and caught him and I..."

~Time skip brought to you by barbeque sauce on my tiddies~

  I was walking out, but then I noticed Izuku "Y/n! thank god you're okay!" he runs up to me and hugs me. I noticed a skinny looking man with yellow/blonde hair, but he soon leaves. "Y-you left me..." I say looking down. 

"I-I'm sorry!!" he says. "I promise I'll never leave you again," he says "pinky promise?" I say lifting my head, holding his pinky out we lock eyes our pinkies now intertwined.

We walk out of the Hospital together heading our separate ways "Bye Y/n!" Deku says "Bye Izu!" I say whilst waving you notice a light blush on the green boy's face.

I get home and realize what time it was, I get inside locking the door behind me, cautiously walking in search of my parents, but when I make it to the living room it was not what I'd expect.....

To be continued........

 (HA! you thought! I'm not that mean 😌)

  As I walk into the living room and see my parents.....dead...? I stand there in shock not knowing what to do but I call the police "110 what's your emergency?" the female operator asks " m- my parents t-they're dead" I say barely able to talk because of my panic attack. "Is there anyone else in the house with you?" the operator asked "n-" I inhale sharply  "no n-not that I k-know of.." I say.

 "Okay, stay where you are, don't go anywhere, what is your address?" She asks "1819 cherry blossom l-lane" I manage to say. "ok help is on the way." the woman says "o-ok t-thank you". I hang up and wait for the police to arrive.

~Time skip brought to you by Shoto's cold soba~

  After the whole police thing, they sent you to your aunt and uncle who were just as bad if not worse than your biological parents. You had been with them for a couple of days. 

  I lay in my bed thinking of what happened the other day. My eyes start to feel heavy and soon enough I drift off into a dreamless sleep. I wake up to my alarm going off "gah! shut up!!~" I whine sleepily as I turn my alarm off. I get up and get my uniform on doing my morning routine as I put my h/c hair into a messy bun and head to school.

 I get to school but the air seemed..... different?. I hear whispers all around but I ignored them 'I wonder what that's all about..' I think to myself as I head to my class. I sit down in my usual spot behind Katsuki as I talk to Izuku about which high school he plans to attend. Apparently, we both plan on enrolling to Yuuei (UA if you didn't know)

The teacher quiets down the class " I have an announcement" the teacher says " miss Y/n Sasaki's parents have tragically passed... I would very much appreciate it if you would be kind to her" I just sit there with my head down not looking at anyone, but I could feel everyone's gaze upon me feeling like bullets piercing into my skin.

~Time skip brought to you by Oikawa's flat ass~

  The bell rang to let us know that school has ended. I get up and walk out of the class and Izuku comes up to me " I-I'm sorry about what happened to your parents..." he says with sadness in his tone. 

He knows what your parents did to you but he was still sad because it was a death. "o-oh yeah... well anyways... I have to get going s-see you tomorrow Izu" I say waving.

 He still blushes at the nickname I gave him from when we met that day in the school office. "Bye Y/n!" he says waving heading in the opposite direction of me.

As I was walking down the halls I could hear more whispers coming from everyone. I suddenly hear someone call out "Murderer!" everyone starts laughing and you hear some saying 'Villain', 'psychopath', 'freak', 'monster'. 

I start running as fast as I could not knowing where I'm going and crying. I accidentally run into someone.

 "I-I'm sorry!" I say bowing whilst still crying "why are you crying you, damned nerd!?" 'wait a minute I recognize that voice.. Bakugou???' 

I look up into staring into his Crimson eyes with my e/c  ones. "p-people are calling me a m-murderer" I say through tears. I feel someone's warm embrace around my small figure, I go with it "Well don't listen to those damn extras you know you're not a murderer, got it?" Katsuki says rather calmly. I nod still hugging... we let go of each other heading our separate ways.

On my way home I thought about what happened between me and Bakugo I feel my cheeks get got 'w-what is this feeling??' I think to myself. 'I don't like him... do I?? I can't like both him and Izu!! gah! I'm such a mess...' 

 Ahhhhh sorry! I apologize for not getting this published sooner!! And if you don't mind, could you please tell me what you think so far?

I hope you have a great day/night!                                                                                                                          Stay safe!

-Kirsten <3

||it's currently Jan 15th, a couple of months after I posted this chapter. Chapter 3 is currently undergo and will be out and ready soon! it will be a long-ass chapter so be ready-, anywho thank you for being patient with me and my terrible writer's block. 

Edit 1-29-24
damn, another one edited, again. love you guys <3

You just read 1203 words 😗✌

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