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Ok so uH- 600+ READS!?!?!? BRO- it's not even that good 💀✋ like why are y'all reading this?? anyways- buckle up this is going to be a longer chapter.

~Time skip brought to you by Lipstick in my Valentino White bag, (present time)~

// Y/n Perspective || 15 years old //

- what's been happening in the current time (follow up)-

You've been staying with your aunt and uncle since your parents were murdered, your new so-called "parents" still abuse you as your birth parents did...After finishing up middle school homeschooled by your aunt and uncle, their abuse was worsening and they threatened to kick you out several times unless you "worked your ass off as a normal hero should". And with that being said you got sent to 'Shiketsu High School', the hero academy that heightens up in the hero courses to Yueei's level.

During school, you usually just get bullied physically, emotionally, and mentally...You're a really quiet kid but you're averagely smart. But then again you still have no friends other than Izu and sort of Bakugo, you think about Katsuki and Izuku every day... Wishing you could see them once more, they took your mind away from reality.

~Actual Present Time || 2nd Person Perspective~

You're walking to school, as usual, breathing in and out sharp breaths of the frosty cold air of winter you can feel the mist of snow falling on your blush kissed nose. You suddenly stop in your tracks slightly sliding due to the small thin sheet of ice covering the earth beneath the snow. You realize you forgot your homework.

'Ah damnit! how could I forget my homework, I don't wanna walk all the way back. I don't even have a jacket!.. And worse.. my aunt and uncle are home'. You think to yourself in frustration. You knew you were going to get beat, but you had to get your homework because you always seemed to show up to class late. And this was your last late excuse the school administration was giving you or else they'd transfer you to a different hero course.

You rush home to grab your homework but your uncle stops you before you manage to leave. "Where are you going you little brat? I haven't had my fun yet!"
Without a chance to run he grabs your wrist and throws your body against the wall, you let out a yelp as your back collided with the floor.

You try to get up but instead your stomach is met with a kick, 1 kick, 2 kick, 3 kick, 4 kick... it almost felt like forever, he stops but it felt like he was still going and going.

You sit there holding your stomach, you have cuts and bruises all over your body except for for face because your uncle doesn't want anyone to get suspicious. Sitting there on the floor in tears you attempt to get up until your uncle grabs you by your hair and slaps you across the face and drops your limp body onto the cold wooden floor.

Trying to stand your legs stumble and you end up falling onto your knees, coughing holding your chest you see droplets of a crimson liquid. You were coughing up.. blood.

He gets distracted drinking beer, you make a run for the door and make it out.

You keep running and running inhaling the crisp air, 'til you can't anymore. You were at a gate..? You couldn't tell because your vision was blurring and everything was spinning, everything goes black as your head hits the snow-covered path.

You wake up in what seems to be a.. hospital..? You look around and take in the sight, the soft white light of the morning/noon sun hits your skin, the small window open letting in a breeze that slowly makes the curtains sway.. After regaining your sense, you see a small old lady sitting in a chair. "H-hello..? Ma'am? where am I..?" you ask, the short woman turns around to face you "Oh hello dear, calm down a second I'll tell you everything, just breath." After you calm down she starts to explain what happened. "s-so you're telling me I passed out, one of the teachers found me, and I'm at Yuuei..?" The old lady nods.

//First Person POV//

'shit i shouldn't be here', "ma'am I'm sorry but i need to get to my school" I say, "actually, the head master told me you just got transferred to UA, get some rest dear and we'll talk about this when you feel better" I fall back to sleep and have the strangest dream.. there was this light, a bright light illuminating in the distance. I felt attached.. and drawn towards this light, I ran to it, catching it in my hands like you would with a firefly. It burned my hands but I didn't seem to care. I open my hands to see that the light had disappeared and that I had a star marking on my right hand, like a tattoo, I started to panic and woke up, it was around 5pm. After startling awake I look at my hands and see...

I had the same star tattoos like in my dream.. I had no idea what to do, I got up and my legs felt like Jell-O, I walked over to the sink in the nurses office and tried washing the star off my hand but it didn't come off.. I yell in frustration and start to cry, I turned my back to a wall and slid down it hugging my knees to my chest. I look at my hand after calming down to realize the star that was once black started to glow an eerie blue. 'Why does my life have to be so bad..' I thought, 'nothing seems to ever go right now with this freakish whatever the fuck it is star on my hand, who knows what'll happen now' I get lost in thought and didn't realize the nurse came back in, "are you okay?" she asks me, the nurse hands me a glass of water and sits down in her chair. "Yes I'm fine thank you, I do have a question, though." I state. "What's your question young one?", she politely asks. "Well, you see I was quirkless.. and when i was napping in the bed I had this strange dream about this light..." I give her the whole story showing her my hand and everything. "I-Is it possible that people without quirks... can they develop a quirk..?" I ask concerned. "It's not impossible, we had a quirkless boy randomly develop a quirk right before he entered UA." she tells me. 'wait... Izu was quirkless and he wanted to go to UA... could that..? no.. it couldn't be..' "Miss Y/n?" I snap out of my thoughts, "sorry I was just thinking, may i know this boys name?" I ask. "His name is Izuku Midoriya" she states. I go pale.

'no way..'

Authors note
Hey my lovelies, i just wanted to say thank you sm for all your support and love towards this book, I promise it will get better!!


(1201 words)

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