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Today is a very significant day for me and my friend Maya. We are heading to Pax, which is making me feel both excited and scared. The reason for our trip is to meet the boys we have been playing with for a year now. I can't wait to finally meet them in person, but I'm also extremely nervous because I have an enormous crush on one of them, Nelson. The thought of us all meeting is making me anxious. What if they don't like Maya and me in person?

For now, I need to focus on getting out of bed and preparing for the plane ride. After I take a shower and get dressed, I hear a knock on the door. "Hold on, I'm getting changed," I said while putting on my Puffer hoodie. "Okay, you can come in now."

"Morning nerd, are you ready, and why are you wearing a Puffed hoodie?" Maya asked while holding a cup of coffee. I took the coffee out of her hand. "Thank you. Yeah, I have everything I need. Also, the hoodie is comfortable, don't judge."

"Good because we have to leave in 15 minutes," Maya said while grabbing my bags and placing them next to the door. "Damn, we have to leave already. Can we get breakfast at the airport?" I asked, giving her a pouty face, hoping she would pay.

"Fine, but you have to drive to the airport," she said seriously with her arms crossed. "YESSS, thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I need food," I said, giving her a big hug.

Maya and I got into the car and drove to the airport. After getting checked in, we had some breakfast. While we were eating, I received a text message from Nelson.

Teddy bear 🧸
Hey, we are boarding our plane now.
How about you guys?

Hey, we have another 20 minutes
before we board the plane. How long
will your plane ride be?

Teddy Bear 🧸
Almost 4 hours 😢

Wow. I have to wait 4 hours till I
see you 😢

Teddy Bear 🧸
It's okay. Time flies when you're
having fun. We are leaving now. I'll
text you when we land.

I looked up from my phone and looked at Maya with a sad face. "Nelson, Chris, Jamie, and Max just boarded their plane," I said.

"Why are you sad then?" Maya asked, stuffing the rest of the bagel in her mouth.

"We have another four hours until we see them," I replied while finishing my sandwich.

"I know, but we will be there before them. We could go shopping before they get there or sleep," Maya said.

"That's the problem. We have to wait longer to see them," I said while I put my head on Maya's shoulder.


"That's us. Let's go," Maya told me as she grabbed her bags. I got up, grabbed my bag, and headed over to the plane. Now, I'm feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Here we come Boston.

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