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As my eyelids slowly lift, I find myself in a softly illuminated hotel room. The memories of last night appear as a hazy blur, my recollection fading after Nelson and I hopped into an Uber. I glance around the room, only to realize that Maya is nowhere to be seen. It's eleven o'clock, and a text message from Maya pops up on my phone.

I'm in the boy's room,
I didn't want to wake you up.
When you wake up come to their room.

Deciding to start my day, I carefully select a pair of comfortable jeans, a crisp white crop top, and a blue and white flannel. After freshening up by brushing my teeth and fixing my hair, I make my way to the boys' room. Upon arrival, I confidently knock on the door, and it swings open to reveal Jaren.

"Ew, it's you. Who invited you?" Jaren utters with a look of disgust. I roll my eyes and I'm about to respond when I hear someone say "Just let her in, Jaren." Jaren rolls his eyes, opens the door wider, and lets me in. I walk inside the room and see everyone sitting on the two beds. I walk over to Maya and sit next to her.

"Morning sleepy head," Maya says with a grin. I lay my head on her shoulder and close my eyes. "Did you have too much fun last night?" Max says raising an eyebrow. "I had fun but we got home too late" I mumble with my eyes still closed.

"So now that Miss Sleepy Head is here can we go to the Zoo?" Chris says standing up and grabbing his stuff. Everyone agrees and grabs their stuff to head out.


Everyone was in the gift shop looking around, but Jamie and I didn't go inside because we wanted to start walking around the Zoo. That was when I noticed the Sloths. I point at the sloths hanging from the trees and scream, "OMG, look at those adorable sloths!" Jamie looks at me and we both smile. "Do you want to come with me to see them up close?" I eagerly ask Jamie. "Duh, of course, I want to," Jamie replied. I took hold of Jamie's arm and led him to where the sloths were peacefully hanging. We arrived at the spot, I quickly sent a text to our friends to let them know where we were. I started taking pictures of the sloths and exclaimed, "They look so relaxed and peaceful!" with a smile on my face.

Nelson POV

As I held up a cute, fluffy panda and a fluffy penguin in front of Chris, I couldn't help but feel torn. The panda seemed like the perfect gift for Ariana, who had always expressed her love for pandas. However, I also knew that she adored penguins. I was caught in a dilemma, unsure about which animal to get her. Chris noticed my hesitation and asked me why I was uncertain. I explained that I wanted to find the best possible gift for Ariana, but I just couldn't decide between the two. As I looked down at the panda and penguin in my arms, frustration crept in as I struggled to make a decision.

At that moment, Maya walked over to us and greeted me. "Hey Maya" I greeted her. Maya glanced down at the two stuffed animals in my arms and smirked. "Is that for Ariana?" she asked. Chris, with an eye roll, confirmed that it was and mentioned my indecision. Maya grinned mischievously. "Well, if I help you with Ariana, can you help me with Jaren? I want to get him something, but I just don't know what," she suggested. I agreed to the deal, and Maya advised me to get the panda for Ariana since she already owned a penguin stuffed animal. We tell Maya the best bet would be getting Jaren a frog.


After we paid and went outside we noticed that Ariana and Jamie were gone. That is when Maya tells us that Ariana texted her telling her that they got bored and went to see the sloths. We start to head over to the Sloths to find them.

704 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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