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As I played for an hour or two, I started feeling a bit bored and decided to take a break. I walked around looking for the others to see what they were up to. As I scanned through the crowd, the first person I noticed was Jamie. He was standing by the corner playing the wheel game, and I made my way over to him.

"Hey Jamie, how are you doing," I said, standing next to him. "Good, I'm about to get the jackpot. Watch this," he said with a big grin on his face. I laughed at him as he pulled the lever, and the wheel started spinning. As the wheel slowed down, we could see the jackpot coming up. It looked like it was about to stop at the jackpot, but instead, it went right past it and landed on the 5 tickets.

"WHAT THE FUCK, IT WAS RIGHT THERE, I SHOULD HAVE WON," Jamie yelled in frustration, and I couldn't help but laugh. After I calmed down from laughing, I said, "It's okay, Jamie, you can try again."

I left Jamie and continued walking around to see who else was there. I spotted Max coming over to me, and I waved at him excitedly.

"Hey Max, what's up," I said, and Max replied, "I was wondering what Jamie was yelling about," I told Max what happened to Jamie, and he laughed at it before walking over to Jamie to tease him.

I looked around again and saw Maya and Jaren playing table hockey. They looked adorable together, and I watched them for a while before moving on. Then I saw Matt grabbing balls and throwing them at cups while Chris recorded it on his phone, i guess it was for a vlog. Lastly, I saw Nelson by himself playing skee ball, trying his best to score as many points as possible. I walked over to him to see if we wanted any company.

As I approached Nelly, I couldn't help but feel the excitement building up inside me. "Hey Nelly, are you having fun?" I asked, trying to keep my cool. "Hi sunshine, I'm doing better now," he replied with a smirk that sent shivers down my spine. My heart raced as I blushed, feeling butterflies erupting in my stomach. I hesitated before speaking up, "uhm do you want to go for a walk? I'm kinda bored of playing." As I looked up at him, I realized how much taller he is. He towered over me, making me feel small and insignificant. In fact, I was a whole foot shorter than him.

Nelson's eyes lit up and he replied, "Sure, I'm starting to get bored too." As he took my hand, I felt a warm sensation spread through my body. We walked out the door and I found myself looking down at our hands, feeling a sense of happiness.

As we strolled along, taking in the fresh air and beautiful surroundings, Nelson asked, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

I smiled and responded, "Nothing, I just want to walk with you." We continued walking in silence for an hour, enjoying each other's company and the peacefulness of the outdoors.

As the sun started to set, I realized how much time had passed. "We should go back inside. The others are probably wondering where we are," I said reluctantly, letting go of Nelson's hand.

I noticed a hint of sadness in his eyes, but I couldn't figure out why. With a nod, we started walking back inside, ready to rejoin the group.

A/N: sorry that this chapter came out later than the other one. I didn't finish it last night and I wanted to make it longer. I also don't like the end of this chapter so I might change it.

637 words

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