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As you walked to Starbucks to grab a hot chocolate you bump into somebody. You look up at the stranger who owns the pair of beautiful deep blue eyes that look like tears have just recently fell out of them, he had messy dirty blonde hair that fell into his eyes a bit, and had a strong Swedish accent.

"Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going". The stranger said about to go around you, his voice raspy and deep. Probably from all the crying he had done.

"Hey wait, it seems like you've had a rough day..., so I know strangers don't do this but would you like to get some hotcoco with me, my treat". You say smiling hoping to cheer the man up.

 "Why thank you, I would love that". The stranger says as he follows you to Starbucks, a grin appearing on his face due to your kindness.

"Well I'm _______ _______, and you are"? You ask curiously to the man you have just recently met.

"I am Felix Kjellberg, it's nice to meet you". Felix says smiling, his teeth a brilliant white.

" Well Felix why don't you grab us a seat and I'll order". You said smiling as you went up and got the hot chocolates after standing in the line of hipsters for what felt like years but you didn't mind.As you walked back you sat at the back corner table that Felix had chosen.

"Felix you seem like a cool guy and I was wondering if you would like to join me at vidcon I go every year with my friend but he bailed on me soooo do you want to go"? You asked him curiously after you guys had talked and gotten to know each other.

"I'm already going actually but I could give my ticket to my friend and go with you". He says smiling.

"Here Felix give me your phone". He hands his phone to you. You put your number in his phone and his in yours and afterward you both say goodbye and walk out of Starbucks.As you finally get home your phone buzzes in your pocket.

From: <The Best Guy Ever>I cant wait to see you again. Its always nice to meet someone caring and beautiful like yourself :)

----------------------Vidcon 10 months after hanging out----------------

" Hey Felix". You smiled as Felix appeared at your front door ready to go."I picked the hotel so dont worry". You said gabbing your stuff and carry it to Felix's car. On the way to vidcon Felix took your hand in his and he kissed the top of your hand.

" Y/N I have something to tell you". He said softly almost afraid.

"Yes Felix"? You asked curiously since his emotion had changing.

" We have been friends for awhile and I want to be more than that....w-will you go on a date with me"? He asked looking at you with hope swimming in his eyes. You smiled and kissed the Swedish boy happily.

"Of course", You smiled and talked happily the whole way to Vidcon.

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