Arc: The Very Beginning-Chapter 3: His True Nature

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Third Person POV...

"Rimuru, you good?" Said Null Rimuru had just realized that he had zoned out while staring out into the cosmos "Yeah, just zoned out." Rimuru answered, "Ok just wanted to make sure." Null then said "Alright." Rimuru replied with "Wait I should give you a title... what do you think of 'the Shadow Keeper, Null Tempest'?" Rimuru asked "Sounds fine to me." Null replied, "Well then, you're officially 'Null Tempest The Shadow Keeper'!" As our blue-haired friend said this a large amount of magicules left his body. Something peculiar had changed inside Null, almost like a being of pure darkness, evil, and despair had sprouted inside him, no one realized this; not even Ciel.

"Uhh, thanks?" Null said, "You're welcome?" Both began smiling awkwardly at each other. Before Null just walked towards Veldenava
(Author's notes: I'm gonna just nickname him Vell for short) . Rimuru just followed, since Vell was there they had to change their routine a bit, instead of first: testing powers(to develop new skills), second: Rimuru and Null trained via sparring. It was first: teach Vel how to use his powers, second: train Vel, third: demonstrate practical uses for these abilities, fourth: teach Vel how to do math(Done by Ciel), fifth: fighting styles, sixth: Rimuru and Null test their abilities(to develop new skills) this routine takes three years to complete.

Time Skip: 3683 Years Later...

Null's Pov

'It's been pretty boring lately. I mean, to be fair I'm far stronger than my brother, Rimuru. Vell has been progressing smoothly, he has  potential I'll say that much.' Null thought 'After awhile I get this nagging feeling to harm Vell or Rimuru; I don't know when this started or why but it started as rarely happening, but has slowly become more common. I just hope it stops soon...' Null continued.

'I think Rimuru may be making another brother. It might just be a hunch though, I should ask later.' Null said to himself.

Third Person POV...

Null's suspicions were correct, but he wasn't making a brother like he thought but a sister. It took another twelve years for him to complete her.

During this twelve-year gap Rim,uru and Null began creating things that filled the universe. First Rimuru made planets designating one the "Cardinal World" basically the center of the universe and moved a star he called "Heaven light" to it and placed it in a place where the Goldilocks effect takes place (habitable zone) so life can be made on it. Null created black holes and ns while Rimuru made planets and angels. The duo created all the other life forms together.

After a year passed Null finally snapped. 《Master!!》' What is it Ciel?!' 《It's Null, he's torturing and killing innocent people!!》 'Ok, send me to his location.' When he arrived you could see Null stand on top of a pile of torn apart bodies with their organs falling out of the chest laughing like a maniac while soaked in blood. "NULL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Rimuru yelled "What do you think? I'm just having some fun, what else would I be doing?" Null responded with a psychotic grin on his face. "FUN!? YOU CALL THIS FUN!? LOOK AROUND YOU, THIS IS JUST A BLOODBATH!!" Rimuru yelled out enraged. "Hah! What the hell are you going to do, stop me?" Null said chuckling with the same psychotic smirk. "I'll have to do exactly that" Rimuru stated while starting to emit malicious intent.

Rimuru's POV

I flew towards Null, trying to hit him at full power. Yet the moment I reached him I felt extreme pain in my stomach, 'Why can I feel pain...?' 'My pain nullification should prevent it; unless he's breaking through the ability, or even too much for the skill to handle.' I deactivated through acceleration and in just a second I spout out blood. Directly after that, I felt as Null's knee slammed against the side of my head.

But he wasn't done yet, he grabbed me by the ankle and began swinging me through the air and tossing me, he charged a black energy beam in his left hand and fired it at me, Ciel immediately set up several barriers while I was blocking just in case it didn't stop the attack. Which it didn't and I was sent across the planet, Null just hit me with the back of his hand. Before I hit the ground, he hit me in the back with a heavy uppercut, I flew back into the air but he wasn't done. Hitting me with a series of precise hits. 'Ciel! I need some help here!' 《On it!》.

When Null was finally done, I landed on the ground covered in my blood, with burns on my arms, and in so much pain I could only compare it to hell. My regeneration started and in a millisecond I was completely healed. I stood up and attacked, and as I thought he dodged, but Ciel attacked at that moment. This attack hit making him fly several kilometers away. I was preparing to dash towards him before I felt his aura explode; it was like a layer of despair had covered my body, slowly seeping in. I expanded my aura to protect myself, I looked towards my partner in crime, Ciel. She nodded understanding what I wanted to do, and I flew as fast as I could even pulling my wings out for the extra boost. I and Ciel reached Null and began hitting him with a perfect series of movements, but all of them were blocked easily.

I began to push my power to its limit. Until Null finally countered with so much force I felt my organs be turned to goo, my bones had been completely shattered. I vomited blood, 'WE CAN'T WIN THIS!' Was the only thing going through my mind, Ciel had already known this. 'Ciel, what the hell do we do?!' 《We could seal him away inside your imaginary space. Shall I begin?》' Do it!' At that moment I saw a portal open beneath Null and Pure black chains began wrapping around him, he tried to break free but it was in vain. "THIS ISN'T THE END OF ME RIMURU!!" Null yelled out in an absolute rage as he was pulled inside the portal. 'Ciel, make us forget about this, please. And fix the world.' 《Master, are you sure about this?》 'Yeah, I am' 《Ok, commencing memory erase and reversal of damage.》

...It's finally over...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have an awesome weekend!

Rimuru the void dragon(re-write)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora