Arc: The Very Beginning-Chapter 4: The Aftermath

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Third person POV

Directly after Rimuru's memories of the battle and Null all together were wiped, Ciel brought the unconscious Rimuru home; putting him directly on his bed. The moment Ciel went back into Rimuru's soul she wiped her own memories as her master requested.

And half a week later Rimuru began to wake up.

Rimuru's POV

The first thing I did when I woke up was simply yawn. "Hey Ciel, what time is it?" I asked《It's 12:04 pm》'that means I have to get up.'. I threw my blankets off, stood up and with a snap of my fingers I cleaned myself up, even changed my clothes. I came down stairs going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Vell. When I arrived I saw Vell in a human form, cooking with a large stack of waffles next to him. "Hey Vell I didn't know you could cook! Well in the first place when did you get a human form?!" I inquired "I've seen you transform before and I tried to replicate it. But I ended up looking like a kid. With cooking I just watched what you did and replicated it." Vell answered extremely concentrated "Wait how long have I been asleep?" I questioned "Three days." Vell replied not taking his eyes off the sizzling pan filled with pancakes I could only respond in a flabbergasted tone "Three days!?" Vell replied by saying "Yeah three days." "Well hopefully that doesn't happen again." I said cheerfully "Can't argue with that!" Vell said in return obviously smiling.

After this we ate breakfast, and like usual began training, then testing. At this point I just let Vell mess with his powers as he wished. While I worked on creating a sister, with Ciel's help here and there of course. And a few years later I was finished. "Hey Vell come over here!" I called "Okay, coming." He responded, then Vell walked over to meet me and said "What did you need?" "Look." I told him while pointing towards a sleeping dragon with snow white scales, small black spikes on her back, a large golden scale on her forehead, and small horns. "Is that our new brother?" asked "Close, but not quite; she's your younger sister." I corrected "Sister, huh. I hope she's not annoying" Vell stated "Yup, I can only agree" I answered.

Vell was obviously calm about this, "Can I name her once she wakes up?" Vell asked I thought for a moment, looked at the small dragon that was currently waking up before ultimately saying "Sure, knock yourself out." This is when Vell finally noticed she had completely awoken "You already knew this, didn't you?" Vell questioned "Definitely not, absolutely not." I answered sarcastically "Anyways, Let's see... what to name you? Elly, no too plain... violet nope... velzard? That's it! From now on, you'll be Velzard the white ice dragon." Vell stated. 'He has no sense in names at all.'. "Uhh, h-hello. Are you g-going to h-hurt me?" Velzard asked frightened "Hi, and no we're not going to harm you in anyway." Both I and Vell responded in unison. "O-ok... so who are you?" Velzard questioned I looked towards. Vell and nodded, "So we're what you call family, your brothers. My name is Rimuru and I'm the oldest, this is Veldenava you can call him Vell for short." I explained "My family? Brothers? What's that?" Velzard asked "Family is people that have similar blood, brothers and sisters are related to you more than anyone else in the family. So you can trust us, but you can't always trust them even in this family." I said informing her 'Why did I say that? There's only ever been me, Ciel, Vell, and Velzard. Was there another family member that I don't remember? Hmm... well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.' 'Ciel make her forget I said that last bit'《Ok... it's complete.》"O-ok!" Velzard said happily.


'Ciel is it really the only way?' 《Yes, it is master. As the aura suppressing mask can't withstand your power anymore, the only way to control it properly is by going into a deep sleep》'Ok... I'm gonna go say my goodbyes now.'

The End...

Hope you enjoyed it, sorry this chapter took awhile, it is the end of this arc. Have a good week!

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